What To Expect From Halloween 2023, Based On Your Zodiac + Tarot


Your card: 7 of Wands

Your plans won’t go smoothly for Halloween. Maybe friends will cancel or your internet will go down, making it all the more difficult to watch scary movies. But if you stick with the plan and persevere, it’ll all work out.


Your card: The Empress

No matter what costume you choose, go for the one that makes you feel the cutest. No need to be spooky or scary. And if you aren’t planning on wearing anything, just lead with comfort when coming up with plans for the night.


Your card: 5 of Wands

Someone’s really going to get in your way this Halloween. Competitiveness will cause conflict and strife and you get to choose whether you entertain the disagreement or shift your attention elsewhere.


Your card: The Hermit

You’ll have an urge to just stay home this Halloween, and there’s nothing wrong with giving in to that energy. Just watch your favorite Halloween movies, eat some candy, and veg out.


Your card: Queen of Pentacles

You have big plans for what you want to do for Halloween, but there might be someone you want to include who can’t afford it. If you can swing the bill, do so–but only if it’s a favor, and not something you expect to get back.


Your card: Justice

If you’re spending Halloween with other people, it can’t be only you making the decisions for what you do with your time. Figure out what everyone wants and do that, even if it wasn’t the first thing on your list.


Your card: 7 of Cups

You have several invites for Halloween and you have no idea what to do. Or maybe there are a couple movies you want to watch. You don’t have to make the choice. Why not do everything?


Your card: 9 of Pentacles

You love spooky season, so why not go all out for the holiday? If you have the money to spare, do all the fun things on your list. Splurge on your Halloween dreams, Scorpio.


Your card: The Hanged One

This is your opportunity to dress up as something that’s basically the opposite of what you’re like in real life. If you’re a free spirit, be a nun for Halloween. If you hate spooky stuff, paint yourself up like a skeleton or a zombie. It’s all about new perspectives.


Your card: Knight of Cups

No matter what you do this Halloween, this is the perfect time for love. If you’re in a relationship, this is your year for a couples’ costume. And if you’re looking for a relationship, flirt with abandon.


Your card: King of Wands

This is your moment to be creative. Even if you’re just handing out candy to the little ones in your neighborhood, go for the kookiest, most out-of-the-box costume you can think of. Who cares if you’re the only one who gets it?


Your card: Knight of Swords

Your Halloween plans will end up spontaneous, even if that’s not on the agenda. Things will get all jumbled up and you’ll have to use some fast thinking to keep the night going well.