Why Each Zodiac Is Unsatisfied With Their Current Relationship

Why Each Zodiac Is Unsatisfied With Their Current Relationship


You’re feeling unsatisfied because the relationship isn’t the same as it was in the beginning — but you need to decide whether you two are capable of growing together or whether you’re only growing apart and are better off without each other.


You’re feeling unsatisfied because you haven’t let your partner in on what you’re feeling and are hoping the problem will go away without a discussion–but you need to sit them down and discuss this if you want real change.


You’re feeling unsatisfied because you aren’t receiving enough space and are starting to feel suffocating by your partner being with you every second of every day. Remember, independence is important, even when you’re in a committed relationship. 


You’re feeling unsatisfied because you are putting too much pressure on yourself to be a perfect partner and are trying to do a million thing at once, which has resulted in you burning yourself out and feeling exhausted.


You’re feeling unsatisfied because you’re a romantic and want your person to put more effort into making you feel special on a daily basis instead of waiting until holidays and birthdays to treat you right.


You’re feeling unsatisfied because you are the one doing the majority of the work and you want your partner to pitch in and do their fair share so you don’t feel like you’re the one salvaging the relationship and keeping the household running.


You’re feeling unsatisfied because you’re not moving at the pace you’d like to be moving and feel like your partner isn’t on the same page as you, emotionally.


You’re feeling unsatisfied because you’re stuck in the past and can’t get over a mistake that your partner has made — but you need to decide whether they deserve your forgiveness or whether you are better off walking away and finding someone new.


You’re feeling unsatisfied because you are treating the relationship like the center of your universe and aren’t giving yourself enough time to hang out with your friends and engage in your hobbies.


You’re feeling unsatisfied because the communication is lacking and you don’t understand what your partner is thinking because they aren’t being transparent enough with you.


You’re feeling unsatisfied because you’ve been hurt before and you’re terrified it’s going to happen again, so you panic whenever the smallest thing in the relationship goes wrong instead of accepting that problems occur in every relationship.


You’re feeling unsatisfied because your partner isn’t rising to your standards and you feel like you have to keep asking (or begging) for the bare minimum. But you should be getting these things naturally, without having to ask.