Why Each Zodiac Makes A Great Dog Mom
Tamara Bellis

Why Each Zodiac Makes A Great Dog Mom


You like to keep active and will go on plenty of walks and runs with your furry friend. You will keep them healthy and keep their tail wagging.


You’re a homebody. You enjoy spending time at home, relaxing on the couch, which is also your pup’s favorite spot. You’ll spend plenty of time together, so your dog will never feel lonely.


You’ll ask whether your dog is allowed to tag along whenever you visit family and friends. If they can’t come, then you’re either going to turn down the invitation or leave early so that you don’t spend too much time apart from your BFF.  


You spoil everyone you love. Which means your dog is going to have the finest treats, toys, and beds. You will spend more money on them than you will spend on yourself.


You are going to be snapping pictures of your pup left and right. You’ll always be bragging about them on social media – and, of course, rewarding them with treats for being so photogenic.


You are going to treat your dog like an official member of the family, which means you’ll throw them a birthday party every year and buy them presents to unwrap on holidays. You never want them to feel left out of the fun.


You are incredibly affectionate. You tell your dog how much you love them and how beautiful they are one hundred times per day. And you even let them give you kisses.


You are protective of the people (and pets) that you care about the most. You won’t let anything bad happen to your dog. You’ll fight anyone who even looks at them the wrong way.


You give your dog a million ridiculous nicknames and talk to them in a baby voice that you won’t even use on your significant other. In fact, your SO might be jealous because the dog is always going to get more attention.


Your house is filled with magnets and statues and dish towels that have pictures of your dog’s breed. People keep buying you items like this because the first thing they learn about you is how much you love your pet.


You always add your dog’s name to the bottom of greeting cards and talk to them about your problems like they can understand you – because you feel like they can.


You’re a cuddler. You always let your dog snuggle up close to you, even if it means getting your blankets and your jeans covered in pet hair.