Each Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope For April 15 - 22
Jacqueline Whitney

Your Weekly Horoscope For April 15-22 (Based On Your Zodiac Sign)


This week, give yourself permission to rest. Don’t push yourself to your breaking point because there’s a difference between challenging yourself and punishing yourself. It’s important to have big goals, but don’t sacrifice your mental health to reach them. Take care of yourself and rest when you need to rest.


This week, give yourself permission to be happy. When something goes right, enjoy the moment instead of wondering when things will start to fall apart and picturing worst case scenarios. Embrace your positive emotions, even if you’re more accustomed to the negative ones.


This week, give yourself permission to fail. Don’t worry too much about getting everything right because you’re going to psych yourself out and end up getting nothing done. It’s better to try and fail than to never take a shot on yourself at all.


This week, give yourself permission to walk away. When someone is refusing to treat you right, despite how many chances you’ve given them, you owe it to yourself to say goodbye. Waiting for them to change is only going to leave you disappointed. If they’re not going to take action, you need to take action and go.


This week, give yourself permission to let go. You are going to be miserable if you keep replaying the past in your mind every night. You don’t want to hold on too tightly to people who are gone, to memories you can never get back. It’s okay to miss the past, but don’t forget to see the beauty in the present.


This week, give yourself permission to grieve. When you go through a loss, you need to accept the feelings you’re experiencing instead of pushing them away. If you don’t cope with your emotions now, they’re only going to snowball. It’s much better to let the tears flow and let yourself feel so you can finally heal.


This week, give yourself permission to change. There’s nothing wrong with deciding that you want to switch paths, whether that means ending your relationship, quitting your job, or moving to a new location. It’s okay to change your mind. It’s okay to reevaluate what you want.


This week, give yourself permission to cry. Don’t hold back your emotions. Don’t pretend everything is perfectly fine when you’re secretly suffering inside. It doesn’t matter if you cry with someone you trust or in your own bedroom, but make sure you let the tears loose because you’ll feel better once you release them.


This week, give yourself permission to slow down. If you keep moving at such a fast pace, you’re going to burn out. You need to be careful about how much you take on at once because you don’t want to overwhelm yourself. Life isn’t a competition, even with yourself, so don’t try to ‘beat’ how much you accomplished yesterday. It’s okay to do a little less.


This week, give yourself permission to feel sad. Don’t tell yourself that you’re overreacting or that you don’t have a right to complain. You are entitled to your feelings, even the messy ones. Don’t discount what you’re going through or the emotions you’re experiencing because your thoughts matter.


This week, give yourself permission to be vulnerable. Let down your walls. Speak directly from the heart. Even though it’s scary to be completely honest, you’re going to feel so much better once the truth is out in the open. So admit what you’re going through. And admit when you need help.


This week, give yourself permission to move on. Don’t stay stuck on someone who has no interest in rising to your standards. Don’t wait forever for them to change when you could go find someone who values you from the start instead. Someone who is worthy of your love.