Your Weekly Horoscope For Christmas Eve - New Year’s Eve

Your Weekly Horoscope For Christmas Eve – New Year’s Eve


This week, only put energy into people and activities that genuinely matter to you. If you couldn’t care less about something, then don’t waste your time or your effort on it. Prioritize. Be selective about what you do with your week.


This week, explore your potential. Instead of doubting yourself, challenge yourself. Believe that you’re capable of achieving your goals. Take a chance on yourself. Don’t spend any more time wondering whether you have what it takes because you do.


This week, be cautious with your heart. Don’t freely hand it to someone who has hurt you in the past. Don’t reach out to someone who has shown no interest in reaching your standards. Your loneliness won’t get any better by reconnecting with someone who isn’t even treating you right.


This week, let the past go. Don’t dwell on your mistakes, on your heartaches, on your losses. Focus on the present that’s right in front of you, and the future that you’re building for yourself. Believe that tomorrow will be better than yesterday. 


This week, be assertive. Ask for what you want instead of dropping subtle hints. Be straightforward so that no one misunderstands what you want or what you stand for. It might feel uncomfortable being so blunt, but speaking your mind is a good skill to develop.


This week, wander out from your comfort zone. Do something that excites you and scares you at the same time. Something that you’ve been contemplating for a while but haven’t had the guts to follow through on yet. You can do it. You can push yourself.


This week, don’t be afraid to take up space. Instead of shrinking into the background and allowing others to make decisions for you, use your voice. Show everyone else that you mean business and that you deserve to be taken seriously.


This week, don’t shy away from confrontation because if you stay quiet, no one will know your true feelings. Remember, confrontation doesn’t have to be a bad thing. It can be a learning experience for others and for yourself. It can help you grow closer to your favorite people, emotionally.


This week, remember you are capable of changing. You can change your life. Change your circumstances. Change yourself. You don’t have to continue doing things the same way if it’s making you unhappy. You have the power to turn this around.


This week, keep your heart open. Tear down your walls and allow others inside, even if it’s only for a short while. This time of year is the best time to connect, to share your feelings, to build relationships.


This week, be clear about your boundaries. If someone makes you uncomfortable, vocalize your feelings. They are valid. They are not meant to be locked up. Express whatever is wrong because your thoughts are nothing to be embarrassed about.


This week, accept that you cannot change others. You cannot control their bad behaviors. You cannot fix their flaws. You have no power over them. Even though you love them, sometimes the best thing you can do is step away from them.