Your Weekly Horoscope For January 28 - February 4
Allegra Messina

Your Weekly Horoscope For January 28 – February 4


This week, strive for balance. Don’t spend so much time working that you aren’t able to enjoy time with your loved ones. You are deserving of rest and relaxation, even on the days you didn’t feel productive enough.  


This week, strive for peace. If someone is making you feel uncomfortable, then tell them what’s running through your mind. And remove them from your world if necessary. Don’t keep anyone around who disturbs your peace.


This week, strive for success. Don’t count yourself out too early. Don’t assume that big dreams are out of your reach. Give yourself a fair shot. Reach for the stars and see where you land because if you don’t try, you’re going to regret it.


This week, strive for happiness. It’s not selfish to ask yourself what you want for a change. Instead of doing whatever will please the people around you, make choices based on your own wants and desires. Treat yourself as a priority for once.


This week, strive for improvement. Even though you’re a perfectionist, you need to stop worrying about being the very best. As long as you’re putting in effort and are slowly improving, then you should be proud of yourself. You should be excited about how far you’ve come, even if you haven’t reached your main goal yet.


This week, strive for knowledge. Instead of insisting you know it all, admit when you aren’t sure and set out to learn more. Educate yourself because you are a work in progress. You are never done learning more about yourself and others.


This week, strive for wellness. Take care of your mind and body. Don’t push yourself to your limits. Don’t assume that you can handle an unreasonable amount of work at once, or that you don’t need basics, like sleep. Be kind to yourself.


This week, strive for comfort. Don’t place yourself in situations that are setting off alarm bells. Listen to your gut. Surround yourself with people who make you feel calm and comfortable, not people who make you feel like you’re walking on eggshells and cannot be your true self.


This week, strive for adventure. Take more (calculated) risks. Be more spontaneous. Stop waiting until the perfect time to try that thing you’ve been excited to try and do it this week. Don’t wait a second longer. Now is as good a time as any.


This week, strive for consistency. Try to get into a healthy routine so you can break bad habits and be as productive as you’ve always hoped to be. Don’t be too tough on yourself if you fall off schedule, but try your best to stick to a routine until it becomes second nature.  


This week, strive for quality. Instead of rushing to get everything done quickly, try to get it done right. Concentrate on what you’re doing in the moment instead of multitasking and daydreaming about the future. Live in the moment more.


This week, strive for progress. You don’t have to reach the finish line anytime soon. If you’re too focused on the end goal, it can take away from your excitement as you’re going on this journey. Worry about making progress, not about being finished first.