Your Weekly Horoscope For June 18 – June 25
This week, you are going to feel a surge of nerves about something you’re anticipating will happen soon. But you have to remember you’re strong enough to handle everything that this world throws at you. You’ve been in tricky spots before and have made it through. You’ll do it again.
This week, you are going to feel at peace. You’re going to have some time to rest and enjoy the moment without worrying too much about what’s waiting around the corner. You’ll be able to exist in the quiet.
This week, you are going to end up slightly disappointed. But you have to remember that every single day brings about new opportunities. Just because something doesn’t go your way once doesn’t mean history is going to repeat itself tomorrow. You have to hold onto your hope.
This week, you are going to feel a little stressed. But once you cross some things off your to-do list, you will be able to relax a little. Use this time as a lesson not to put too much on your plate again in the future. You don’t have to do everything for everyone. You can relax sometimes too.
This week, you are going to feel torn between two choices. You aren’t going to know which one makes the most sense for you, which is why you need to take some time and think about it. Don’t rush yourself. Be patient and gentle with yourself, and you’ll be able to find an answer.
This week, you are going to be struck with jealousy. But you have to remember that you can’t make comparisons between your path and neighboring paths. Just because someone has something that you want doesn’t mean they’re superior to you. It doesn’t mean you’ve done anything wrong.
This week, you are going to feel a little moody. But you have to remember that those bad thoughts will pass. Allow yourself to feel your emotions, but don’t let the negative ones consume you. Get out in nature, watch your favorite show, or spend time with pets to try to clear the storm clouds from your mind.
This week, you are going to lust after someone special. You are going to want to spend as much time with them as possible. Remember, it’s okay to embrace these feelings, to initiate contact, to make the first move. Don’t sit around waiting for someone else to do it.
This week, you are going to be surprised. Something unexpected is going to happen, so you need to stay flexible. You need to remember that you are capable of rolling with the punches. Your plans might not work out, but that could be for the best in the end.
This week, you are going to feel proud of yourself. You are going to take a step back and recognize how far you’ve come and how much you’ve accomplished. You are going to feel some well-deserved pride and relief.
This week, you are going to deal with some change. You need to remember that change can be a positive experience. It isn’t always bad – and even if it makes you emotional, it can come with a silver lining.
This week, you are going to feel longing. You are going to deal with FOMO and wonder whether everyone else is having more fun without you. But you need to remember that not all days are going to be adventures. Sometimes, you need to have a lazy day – but you’ll have fun times too soon.