3 Zodiac Duos Who Are Mutually Obsessed With Each Other
Some zodiac duos exhibit intensity and passion. Their connection and attraction to one another are undeniable. Here are a few zodiac pairings known for their intense mutual obsession:
Aries and Libra
Opposites attract! Aries and Libra have a solid give-and-take relationship and bring out the best (and maybe the worst) in one another. These two are just magnetically drawn to one another, with Libra’s charm and desire for romance and Aries’ impulsion and assertiveness. The mutual fascination for one another develops into an intense obsession.
Leo and Aquarius
Leo and Aquarius are a dynamic duo with opposite personality traits. While Leo craves attention and admiration from others, Aquarius has a unique, individualistic way of thinking and doing things. Aquarius’ aloofness is a fascinating mystery to Leo that makes them want to try harder and be better, and Leo’s confidence, passion, and big heart inspire Aquarius on a deeper level. These two will be fixated on one another.
Scorpio and Pisces
As two water signs that are known for their emotional depth and intensity, it’s a no-brainer that these two are obsessed with one another. Nobody gets me like you do. Scorpios get jealous and possessive of their partners and Pisces just so desperately want to love and be loved. Both Scorpio and Pisces are highly intuitive and empathetic, which allows them to understand each other on a profound level.