Zodiacs Ranked From Above-And-Beyond Men To Bare Minimum Men
A Cancer man isn’t afraid to talk about his feelings and let his intentions be known. He can be a sweetie with a heart of gold. Cancer makes a great partner who seriously values his home life. Time with his significant other trumps time doing anything else. You can count on him to always be there for you. He’ll drop everything to come be by your side. Careful, though—the unevolved Cancer can be emotionally manipulative with claws that don’t let go.
The Scorpio man is extremely passionate in all his pursuits. He will not relent until you fall in love with him if you’re the object of his affection. Scorpio will work to dig deep with you and get to know all your secrets. He’s crafty and clever when it comes to getting who he wants. Although he’s got a bad rep for being a player, he’s devoted and loyal in love. When he falls, it’s utterly and deeply. He’s extremely protective. Scorp would go to the ends of the earth to provide you comfort. Disclaimer: Some Scorpio men go above and beyond just to manipulate you.
Taurus puts a lot of thought into committing, but he takes his relationship responsibilities seriously once he does. He’s ruled by Venus, the planet of love, and is a generous lover in every aspect. The Bull wants to romance you and will do so through fine dinners and sweet gestures. Taurus is a conqueror who courts and seduces, but he’s also gallant and won’t rush you into things. He wants stability more than anything else, so you can bet on consistency with him.
4. LEO
Leo men are fiercely loyal and supportive once they decide they only need attention from one special person. He typically knows if someone is a fling or has long-term potential before becoming involved, so if he’s putting in time with you, consider yourself the latter. The Leo lover is mistaken for being selfish and one-sided, but he’s actually more comfortable giving than receiving. Leo will shower you with his generosity and work to charm you. He wants to sweep you off your feet with passion. True, he loves the spotlight, but it’s an emotional connection he desires more than anything else.
He’s looking for real love, a best friend, and an equal. Pisces is selfless, empathetic, and devoted. He knows what to say and do just to make you feel special. The Fish will dote on you, cook you dinner, and send you bouquets of flowers. He can, however, be initially quiet about his attraction, and even obsesses a little before making his first move. The Pisces man is highly sensitive and overly emotional, but he doesn’t like wearing his heart on his sleeve. He may even test you by making you fill in the blanks. Be warned that while he can be a sweet and loving soul, he’s also accurately known for being flaky.
He isn’t afraid of commitment and enjoys being in love. The Libra man is quite taken with the slow and intricate dance of courtship. He will sweep you away, but will explore the relationship on his own terms. He enchants you only to pull back. That’s because he’s the most indecisive of the zodiac. If things evolve, you’ll likely make most of the decisions in the relationship. He will, however, put in effort into making sure you’re content, if only to keep the peace. He struggles with managing his feelings but makes you feel heard regarding your own. When you express yourself emotionally, he really does take it into account.
He’s dependable, responsible, and extremely hardworking. If only he wasn’t so emotionally detached. Capricorn is too focused to prioritize another person. Everything comes second to his ambitions. He will place his success over your feelings. Here is a know-it-all man who has trouble recognizing and expressing his own emotions. He’ll make you feel pressured to meet his standards, all the while lacking the effort to meet yours. Cap is stubborn in meeting anyone halfway. He’s likely on the prowl for someone compliant because he needs to remain in constant control.
Aries is a charmer in love and in romance, but he can make grand romantic gestures only to pull back. He puts himself first, and nothing is more important to him than his work life, which isn’t really a con for the more independent signs. Others might find it difficult to adapt to his rigidity. Aries has a hard time making room for someone else in his life. His goals, wants, and needs take priority over your feelings. Aries won’t even consider asking how your day was, at best because he has a lot on his plate. He has an “innocent” mentality, believing that if he’s made a mistake it was somehow warranted. His egocentrism is also on full display in the bedroom, with a “take charge” approach that screams bare minimum.
The Virgo man is hardworking, but he has an inherent fear of love. He doesn’t like feeling vulnerable and exposed. He only lets you see what he wants you to see. Don’t expect him to be able to emotionally express himself well—or at all. It’s all push-and-pull with him. He’ll play games and test you. He wants to see how much he can get away with and how much you can bend without breaking. He’s impatient and short-tempered, especially when things don’t go his way, and things have to go his way. His unrealistic high expectations have everything to do with his insecurities and nothing to do with what you’re bringing to the table. He’s too nitpicky to stop and think about how he may be falling short.
He’s a bachelor who just can’t be bothered. The Archer has a casual approach to romance and dating. Sagittarius hates convention and struggles with being tied down. Expect the time of your life with a Sag, but also expect great inconsistency. He’s a player who rarely commits. If there’s one thing a Sagittarius man has perfected, it’s the art of making you feel granted. Even in a relationship, he’s prone to being emotionally distant. Apologizing isn’t his forte, and neither is taking accountability.
Aquarius is the humanitarian sign, but he can be cold and aloof in matters of the heart. He’s a dreamer who lives in his own world and who struggles with letting anyone else in. It’s hard for him to make adjustments in his own life for someone else’s needs. Forming a deep and meaningful connection with an Aquarius man can be tough because communication isn’t his strong suit. Expect to be regularly left on read and for him to throw any set rule of conduct out the window. You’ll be the one making all the first (and subsequent) moves. He’ll occasionally make you feel special, but only because you’re entertaining him in the moment. Chances are that others are doing the same when you’re not around.
Gemini has absolutely no idea what he wants and isn’t too worried about figuring it out anytime soon. He’s more focused on the here and now and on what (or who) is currently piquing his curiosity. His calendar is packed to the max with engagements that don’t include you. He wants to experience everything, but love isn’t high on the list. He’ll initially charm you with attention and stimulating conversation and then disappear. The Twin will make you feel special only to later show you indifference. You’ll never know what he’s thinking. About the only thing you can count on with a Gemini man is that you can’t really count on anything at all.