If You Want To Get Over Them, Don't Do These 16 Things After A Breakup
Ivan Oboleninov

If You Want To Get Over Them, Don’t Do These 16 Things After A Breakup

“Try to be friends. If either of you still have feelings, it will be toxic. If you dumped them, especially don’t try to be friends, you aren’t doing them a favor. If you feel guilty, deal with it and learn from the experience for next time.” — CommieGold

“Tell your best friends or immediate family the intimate details of the break up. Sometimes, folks reunite because they work it out. You may forgive the person. But your friends and family that saw you hurt and distraught may not forgive as quickly, or at all.” — herecomesred411

“Get in another relationship right away. You’re hurting and vulnerable and will miss warning signs in others. Enjoy some alone time.” — waterynike

“Don’t make a habit of asking mutual friends how your ex is doing/who they’re seeing/where they live now/anything. If you’re not obsessive and they come up in conversation organically, that’s one thing. If you can’t stop thinking about it and have to ask, don’t.” — [deleted]

“Breakup sex is never a good idea if you want to protect your mental health.” — lilybear032

“Vent about it to the public in detail. I cringe at my long posts about an ex cheating on me through Tumblr. Share it on a need to know basis or to those that want to help by letting you vent to them. Not just dump it out onto everyone’s lap.” — rmansd619

“Text them, or check their Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, whatever, just give yourself some time to clear your head.” — Skanderani

“Share any of their sexual photos they sent you.” — IComeFromDaOcean

“Talk to them, hang out with them, try to reunite with them, try to make amends with them, etc. Just cut them out of your life and move on.” — [deleted]

“Continue being friends with their friends. Not your shared friends but those few people who they are mostly close with and you only associate with because of them. Don’t push away good friends. They’re important.” — NeuroticCatharsis

“Don’t eat a whole pint of ice cream just because it’s what people do in movies. It doesn’t actually make you feel better.” — lasttengogo

“Making a dramatic change to your hair right after. I’ve had friends who would dye their hair or get bangs right after a breakup thinking it would somehow make them forget about their previous relationship. Most of them ended up regretting bangs for sure. I would say to at least think through getting a haircut or dying your hair.” — ChaneI

“Stay home alone. If you must cry, do it in public. I’m not actually kidding.” — Tall_Mickey

“Have a lot of sex. It is what I did, and instead of making me feel better, I ended up feeling more empty.” — irmari01

“Angrily shit talk them to friends, on Facebook, or anywhere. It’s one thing if they actually did something horrible, it’s another to go insulting their appearance or actions just because you’re mad you’re not with them anymore. Also, none of those facebook posts like “never dating a man again, they’re all assholes.” It just makes people not want to date you in the future, because you seem petty.” — CausticMoose

“Give up hope that you’ll find someone better one day.” — flyodpink