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Here’s How He’ll Break Your Heart, Based On His Zodiac Sign


An Aries man will break your heart with his emotional whiplash. He’s incredibly passionate when he’s in love, showering you with attention and affection. But when he’s done? Suddenly he wants nothing to do with you. The stark contrast will feel worse than the breakup itself.


A Taurus man is one of the most stubborn of the zodiac. He’ll break your heart by staying far too rigid, never conceding to you. It’ll always feel like a fight with him, which means it’ll be hard to just relax and have fun. You’ll be disappointed thinking about what could have been.


A Gemini man is quintessentially two-faced. As soon as you upset him, his mood flips and he’s suddenly the worst person in the world. It’s not fun to be on his bad side. Don’t expect an amicable breakup regardless of which one of you is doing the breaking.


The odds are higher that you’ll be the one breaking the heart of a Cancer man. The sometimes overly clingy zodiac sign would rather stay in a bad relationship than take the initiative to end it. He’ll break your heart by staying when he knows it isn’t right, and making you do all the work to end it.


A Leo man will break your heart by making you feel like you aren’t good enough. Leos need a lot of attention. If you’re not constantly showering him with gifts and romance and grand gestures–which can be exhausting–he’ll make you feel like you aren’t doing enough.


A Virgo man will make you feel unimportant. Everything else in his life seems to come before you. He’s a workaholic and his career will always come first. You’ll feel like your role is slowly fading away and by the time you break up, you’ll be feeling miniscule.


A Libra man will break your heart the most right after the breakup. The breakup itself will be as amicable as can be, but once you see how fast he moves on from you, that’s when the real heartache begins. Ever the serial monogamist, he’ll be in a serious relationship long before you’re ready to move on.


A Scorpio man will break your heart by constantly shutting you out. You’ll get tired of having to guess his emotions, and every time you try to get him to open up, he’ll drift further and further away. His threshold for clinginess is so low that even a single good morning text could have him feeling smothered.


A Sagittarius man will pull away as soon as he feels like you’re more into the relationship than he is. He avoids dependency at all costs, and that could mean a premature breakup if he thinks you’re being clingy. That will leave you feeling constantly on edge worrying you’re about to drive this adventurous sign away.


A Capricorn man will do his best to make you feel better after a breakup, but only in concrete ways. He’ll talk about the list of reasons why, but won’t want anything to do with your emotional reaction. He’ll make you feel like your feelings are a burden, which is way off-base.


An Aquarius man will break your heart by going quiet. He’s already not great at talking about feelings–especially yours–but if he’s not happy with the relationship, he’ll just put up with it in silence. And if he does break up with you, he’ll never do you the service of explaining why. There’s no closure with an Aquarius man.


Although one of the more emotional signs, Pisces men like to keep their biggest and most important feelings to themselves. Because he’ll likely have moments where he withdraws from you, a Pisces man will break your heart by making you feel like you’re doing all the work.