Jakob Wandel

How To Find Your Soulmate, According To A Tarot Reader


Your card: 7 of Pentacles

You’re often short-sighted when it comes to your goals and desires. Taking a long-term view of romance and love is the better choice. Skip dating people who are good “right now” and instead wait for someone you’d want to be with forever.


Your card: Knight of Swords

You know what you want from a perfect partner. The problem is that you’re not doing much to find them. Take action. Ask your friends for set-ups. Go on the apps. Flirt with strangers. Ask out your crush. You won’t find your soulmate if you never leave your comfort zone.


Your card: Ace of Swords

You need a new approach. While your current way of finding partners might be working in terms of quantity, it’s the quality that’s the problem. Try something different, whether it’s how you’re finding dates or your own mindset on romance.


Your card: Knight of Cups

All you really need to do to find your soulmate is follow your heart. It sounds easy enough, but make sure to listen to your actual gut instinct, and not the manipulations of people around you. When you meet the one, you’ll know it deep down.


Your card: 9 of Pentacles

Remember that your soulmate doesn’t fix your life, you have to fix it to find your soulmate. Create your life the way you want it, from your job to your home. Then your perfect match will slot in just right.


Your card: The Moon

While I know it’s easier said than done, try to curb your anxiety as you go off to find your soulmate. Fear and insecurity can really mess with your perception and might make it nearly impossible to listen to your heart when it comes to the people you meet.


Your card: Page of Wands

Get creative when it comes to finding your soulmate. While you could find them in the traditional ways, like apps and set-ups, the cards say you’d do better to go outside the box. And if you’re enthusiastic while doing in, you’ll find the one in no time.


Your card: Queen of Cups

This is a calm and comforting card, and that’s the energy you should manifest as you go out in search of your soulmate. Feel calm knowing that the right person will like you just as you are.


Your card: The Chariot

You’re the one that’s going to find your soulmate, not the other way around. You’re in the driver’s seat, but luckily that’s where you’re most comfortable. Figure out what you want, and then use your stellar determination to go out and find it.


Your card: The Devil

Don’t be so swayed by temptation. You’ll sometimes think people are your soulmate based on the intense way they make you feel. Stop and analyze whether they’re actually good, or they’re just adept at making you feel addicted to them.


Your card: Knight of Pentacles

If you just keep working hard, your soulmate will find you. Sure, you’re a bit of a workaholic and you spend more time with your hobbies than actually socializing, but your perfect partner will understand that and may even have some of the same hobbies, too.


Your card: 8 of Cups

You have to let go of something in order to find your soulmate. Maybe it’s the idea of who your “perfect” person will be. Or maybe it’s an ex that still holds a place in your heart. Once you let go, you’ll be free enough to open your heart to the one.