Thought Catalog Agency

Horoscope For Today: Saturday, May 25, 2024

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It’s fairy godmother time now that luxuriant Venus trines transformative Pluto at 7:16 am. It’s possible for us to turn pumpkins into Ferraris when we believe in our own worth. At 10:47 am, the Sagittarius Moon squares impractical Neptune. We should resist the impulse to put on a brash façade when we should be obeying our tender instincts. 

At 11:36 am, the Moon glides into steady Capricorn, making it easier to stay focused on our north stars. Keep repeating those affirmations and replaying those imaginal scenes. At 7:15 pm, generous Jupiter moves into curious Gemini, encouraging us to increase our store of knowledge so that our worlds can expand.


A flirtatious conversation makes you hopeful about the future. It looks like you’ll have that romantic summer of your dreams. Pushing away a psychic impression is a serious mistake; take your hunches seriously, especially ones involving travel. Learning a foreign language can lead to an impressive professional opportunity. Decide where you want to live and then sign up for a conversation class. 


The abundant lifestyle you deserve is within arm’s reach. Don’t hesitate to show off your knowledge about art, music, food, or any other specialty subject. Your intelligent insights, combined with your earthy sense of humor, make a big hit with the powers-that-be. If someone makes you a job offer, prepare to ask for more than you think you can get. You’ll be pleasantly surprised.


All eyes are on you. Use your charisma to open new doors. Living abroad is a real possibility. Alternatively, you could buy a vacation property that’s radically different from your home base. An authority figure will accuse you of being irresponsible. Turn a deaf ear to their warnings; you’re fully capable of maintaining two expensive households. Prepare to astonish your biggest critics and rivals in the year ahead. 


A secret relationship gives you something to smile about. It’s not that you’re ashamed to talk about this romance. You’re just happy to have something precious that’s hidden from the world. Fortunately, your partner is happy to keep your union private. If you’re looking for love, you could find it with someone who invites you to obey your baser instincts. Take a walk on the wild side; you won’t regret it. 


A passionate relationship will change the whole course of your relationship. Let your best friend or significant other push you into a risky decision. With their backing, you will reach heights you never dreamed possible. Money will be a big tight, but you’re an expert at spinning straw into gold. Instead of giving advice for free, thinking about charging for it. You’d make a very prosperous consultant, coach, or decorator. 


Your career prospects will skyrocket when the powers-that-be realize you possess skills that are both rare and valuable. Don’t hesitate to negotiate a higher pay scale, even at the risk of seeming disagreeable. People will respect you more when you insist on getting paid what you are worth. A relationship with someone who undermines your confidence will wither on the vine, making room for a partner who truly adores you. 


Breaking hearts has always been a specialty of yours. Now you’re ready to make a commitment to someone who is sexy, intelligent, and funny. Don’t second guess your decision to settle down. Committing to a relationship that keeps you on your toes won’t feel oppressive. An annoying work situation will get solved when you’re offered a better position at a prestigious school or cultural institution. 


A financial windfall lets you transform your domestic life. Moving to a bigger place, buying your own home, or relocating to a new city are among the exciting possibilities. There’s nothing frivolous about wanting to live in beautiful surroundings. Use your extra money to buy things that make you feel opulent and successful. This feeling of prosperity helps you to make even more money. 


Your upbeat attitude and great sense of humor makes you a hot commodity on the romance market. Rather than shying away from commitment, you’ll be excited by the prospect. It’s hard to resist the allure of someone who excites your imagination and keeps you off balance. Don’t let a troubling family history keep you from establishing roots. You can have the happy home you’ve wanted since childhood. 


Changing your attitude about abundance will increase its flow into your life. The truth is, the Universe has endless resources. When you tap into this idea, it becomes much easier to get the resources you want. Instead of feeling tempted to hoard money, you’ll spend it freely on things that make you feel happy, secure, and successful. The sooner you assume a prosperity consciousness, the faster you’ll attract a high-paying job that you love. 


Your daring personality is incredibly attractive. Several admirers will try to win your heart. You’re not ready to commit to a single partner just yet; have fun playing the field. If you’re still waiting for a specific person to show up, remember the most important principle of manifestation: assume you already have what you want. Basking in that appreciation will draw the object of your affection like a magnet. 


Your intuition is ordering you to stop feeling guilty about an impulse. The sooner you embrace the desire to pursue your heart’s desire, the faster your dream will manifest. Stop worrying about appearing selfish to the outside world. Others may judge you harshly for doing what makes you happy, but that’s their problem. You’re about to embark on journey that brings tremendous emotional intelligence.