
A Tarot Reader Predicts What Each Zodiac Should Expect Before 7/10/2023


Your card: 10 of Pentacles

This card is all about happy conclusions, especially when it comes to financial security. Maybe you’re finishing up an important project or getting a raise this week. Focus on your long-term success and eventually good things will come to you.


Your card: Temperance

It’s all about balance and moderation. This week, keep that in mind when you’re making decisions. Luckily, you’re a pretty thoughtful person, so you’re not the type to rush ahead without thinking.


Your card: 3 of Wands

Life takes a little planning if you want it to go your way. This week, spend time thinking ahead. What do you want? Don’t just think about the present, but of the weeks, months, and years ahead. Knowing what you want is the first step to making it happen.


Your card: King of Pentacles

It takes discipline to get everything you want, and not just a piece of it. This card is all about leadership and strength. If you show off these skills, you’ll manifest what you need–especially when it comes to concrete gains like money.


Your card: King of Swords

There may be an opportunity to get to the truth of something this week. Perhaps someone’s been keeping something from you. Get to the bottom of it by asking for the truth and keeping a clear head when you get the results. And remember: You can handle anything.


Your card: Ace of Swords

You’re going to have a breakthrough this week. It’ll either be a solution to something you’ve been stuck on, or the beginning of a brand new idea. Either way, this is the perfect week to break through when you’ve been feeling stuck.


Your card: The Lovers

This card can mean both literal lovers–like falling in love with someone new–or the symbolic harmony that comes with a union. For this week, you’ll be feeling that harmony. Embrace it and watch as love follows you.


Your card: 9 of Pentacles

This week is all about luxuriating. Do all the self-care things you love, from bubbles baths surrounded by candles to splurging on your own charcuterie board. You don’t need a reason or occasion to pamper yourself.


Your card: Page of Swords

If you get curious about something this week, follow that thread. Learn a new skill, ask someone about themselves, follow your whims. As you already know, some cool things can happen if you just go for it.


Your card: Queen of Cups

There’ll be an opportunity this week to show compassion to someone in your life. Be the comforting presence they need in order to heal. The best thing you can do right now is give them a hug and just listen.


Your card: Judgement

This card isn’t just about the judgement of others. Even more so, it’s your own judgement of yourself. Part of assessing the things you’ve done is letting them go. You may have already suffered enough.


Your card: 6 of Swords

This is your time to go through a big change. If you want to make it out as positively as possible, you may have to let go of what came before. If you hold too tightly to what used to be, you won’t fully realize how special this new transition is for you.