Jacqueline Whitney

A Tarot Reader Predicts What Each Zodiac Should Expect Before 8/7/23


Your card: Ace of Swords

If you’ve been stuck on something lately, you’ll finally have a breakthrough this week. It could be a new idea, help from a friend, or just the end to some kind of internal struggle or insecurity. Seize the moment to move on when it finds you.


Your card: Justice

You’re often incredibly hard on yourself. Any time you do something you perceive as even a tiny bit wrong, you beat yourself up about it for days or weeks or forever. This week, cut yourself some slack. You’re not as trash as you think.


Your card: 2 of Wands

You’re not the best at making a plan and sticking to it, but you’ll need that kind of forethought this week. If you want to advance in your life, whether personally, socially, or professionally, you won’t be able to do it if you don’t take action.


Your card: 3 of Swords

This isn’t going to be a great week. At best, you’re going to be feeling a bit lonely. At worst, something will happen to cause you immense grief, sorrow, and heartbreak. Let’s hope it’s just the loneliness.


Your card: 6 of Pentacles

This week, answer the call of generosity. You have a lot in your life right now, so this is a good time to nurture the people around you. Give to your friends, donate money to a charity, help someone who just needs your time. This week is about giving.


Your card: Queen of Pentacles

If you’ve got some extra money, this week is your time to use it. But rather than just buying something for yourself, think of ways you can use it generously. You could donate it, but you could even just take a friend or two for lunch, your treat.


Your card: 2 of Swords

You’ll have a tough decision to make this week. Before you act hastily (not that you really would, Libra), make sure you’re doing what’s right for you. Weigh all your options, make a pros and cons list, ask the advice of someone you trust.


Your card: The Tower

Something you thought you knew might be revealed to be the exact opposite this week. It could be a secret revealed or a change in a relationship. Either way, you’ll be ending the week questioning everything. Don’t worry: This feeling will pass.


Your card: Death

Don’t freak out–this card isn’t as bad as it sounds. It just means that something is ending for you this week, and ushering in a new era. While you may not want whatever it is to end, you’ll soon realize that this transition period was necessary for the new you.


Your card: 8 of Wands

You’re in a transition period this week. You’ll have to make some quick and important decisions and, no matter which option you choose, you’ll be ushering in a big change in your life. Embrace the transition to make the process that much easier.


Your card: 9 of Cups

This is a good week for you. Nothing huge is happening, but nothing terrible either. Just spend the week relaxing and doing the things you love to do. Although, you were probably planning those very activities anyway.


Your card: 6 of Swords

You’re in a transition period right now. The best way through it is to release the desires or energies that you’ve been holding close. If you don’t let go, they’ll keep you tethered to a past that no longer exists, and will keep you from truly moving on.