A Tarot Reader Predicts What Each Zodiac Should Expect Before May 6
Your card: 9 of Cups
Chase the good feelings that are coming your way this week. Rather than focusing on the little things that might be going wrong, look at the big picture. Life is great, and that’s all because you go after what you want. Celebrate your successes, because you deserve them.
Your card: Ace of Pentacles
When you notice a new financial opportunity this week, follow it. Maybe there’s a mention of an opening higher up at your job or a friend might say they know of a new role at your dream company. Don’t ignore these little signs from the universe.
Your card: 4 of Cups
You’ll be feeling a little off this week, disconnected from the people and activities that normally give you energy and happiness. Just because you’re having an off week doesn’t mean this feeling is forever. You can always start fresh next week.
Your card: Page of Cups
As long as you stay sensitive to the world around you, good things will come your way this week. Keep up that dreamy energy that makes you so special. You may just end up with a happy surprise that you never saw coming.
Your card: 2 of Wands
This isn’t the week to be spontaneous or lackadaisical. While being casual may usually work in your everyday life, you’d be better off with more planning right now. Do your research and stick to the plan and everything should work out just fine.
Your card: Page of Wands
Follow what makes you the most excited this week. You can sometimes get bogged down by all the stuff you have to do that you let the fun things fall by the wayside. Don’t let yourself do that now. We all need fun and creativity if we want a happy life.
Your card: The Chariot
If you want your dreams to come true, you actually have to put in the real effort. This week, make two lists: One for your goals and one of concrete tasks you can do right now to get you there. Knock some things off the list and you’re good to go.
Your card: The Fool
While you might find life more comfortable when you do the same thing over and over, this card is encouraging you to break away from that routine and start something new this week. New beginnings mean a potential for a totally novel life path–and there’s nothing wrong with that.
Your card: Knight of Pentacles
If you’re struggling with productivity this week, stick to a routine. While it may sound boring, it’s the best way to get out of this slump so you can start getting things done again. Just keep working hard and it should all work out.
Your card: 7 of Wands
If you want to make it through the week with your sanity intact, you’ll have to work hard and persevere even when things get tough. The people around you may be ready for a fight, or maybe that energy is coming from you. Make sure it’s working for you and not against you.
Your card: King of Cups
Lean toward balance when it comes to your emotions. That doesn’t just mean showing no emotions at all–that isn’t balance. Instead, if you’re more of the stereotypical “emotionless” Aquarius, it could mean being more open with how you feel this week.
Your card: The Hanged One
It’s time to see your problem from a new perspective. If you’ve been struggling for a while to solve the issue, taking a new approach could be the kick you need to finally get you where you need to go. Use this week to find that new perspective.