A Tarot Reader Forecasts Each Zodiac Sign’s Love Prospects Until 7/31
Here is your tarot horoscope prediction till the end of July using the Major Arcana cards.
AriesΒ Β

Tarot Card: The MagicianΒ Β
This card symbolizes success in manifesting your desires and making things happen. It means that youβre taking control of your love life and you have the ability to succeed in your pursuits and efforts. This might be a good time to confess your feelings, ask someone on a date or take your relationship to the next level because youβre in charge of creating your future and you can make your dreams come true.Β

Tarot Card: The ChariotΒ Β
This card is all about overcoming conflicts, obstacles and moving forward or moving on. This could indicate that there is something that youβve been struggling with in love and relationships. Maybe you need to let go of someone or let go of your own limiting beliefs that are blocking you from getting what you want. This could be a good time for you to face your fears instead of running away from them and know that you can overcome the pain of your past relationships and move forward in your love life or find more fulfilling relationships.Β Β
GeminiΒ Β

Tarot Card: The LoversΒ Β
This is a good time for you to restore balance and harmony in your relationships. The Lovers card encourages you to be more communicative, show more affection and take action when it comes to love. If youβve been feeling shy or reserved or if youβre waiting for someone to make the first move, this could be your sign that a little bit of affection can go a long way and if you choose the path of love, things might work out for you.Β Β
CancerΒ Β

Tarot card: The HermitΒ Β
You may need to be alone at this time to contemplate and declutter your mind. You could be overwhelmed or just need to withdraw from all your social duties and responsibilities. When it comes to love, The Hermit indicates that you may need to detach from your partner or take a break from dating altogether to go within and figure out what you really want. You could be making the same mistakes or repeating the same patterns in your love life which is why you need to be on your own for some time to find your inner strength and wisdom instead of seeking validation from others.Β Β
LeoΒ Β

Tarot Card: The Wheel of FortuneΒ
This is your time, Leo! The Wheel of Fortune indicates that things are working out in your favor and the stars are aligning for you. Whatever you wish for will come to fruition very soon without you having to work so hard for it. You may get a surprise proposal or a declaration of love youβve been waiting for. Luck is on your side and the universe is about to shower you with blessings and good fortune.Β Β
VirgoΒ Β

Tarot Card: The TowerΒ Β
This could be a challenging time in your love life, Virgo. The Tower represents major shifts and changes or even endings and breakups. If your relationship has been struggling or if youβre questioning the strength of your relationship, this may be the right time for you to make that difficult decision. The Tower suggests that relationships that are not built on a strong foundation may easily crumble or collapse.Β Β

Tarot Card: The SunΒ Β
Itβs time to get out of the dark, Libra as the Sun card represents new beginnings and happier times. If youβve been feeling hopeless or stuck, things are changing for the better soon and there will be brighter days ahead. Perhaps, your love life hasnβt been that great lately or you havenβt been finding the right connection, but someone will come into your life soon that will add more light and joy to it or if youβre currently with someone, it means that your connection will blossom and you and your partner will grow closer.Β Β

Tarot Card: The WorldΒ Β
The World card means that you are in a state of fulfillment and you have achieved a goal or completed a cycle. When it comes to love, it signifies success towards a goal youβve been wanting to achieve, whether itβs getting that relationship, getting engaged, or getting married. Whatever it is that you had in mind, youβre getting there and youβre about to achieve it. You feel whole and complete and it seems like everything youβve ever worked so hard for is finally paying off.Β Β
SagittariusΒ Β

Tarot Card: The Hanged ManΒ Β
In general, the Hanged Man means that youβve been feeling stuck or things havenβt been working out for you. It could mean that youβve been fighting so hard for something that isnβt working out and itβs time to let it go or it could indicate that some things are out of your control, especially when thereβs another person involved. It is a reminder that you canβt force someone to see your value or be ready when theyβre not and you canβt always control how things play out. This means that youβre faced with a reality check that youβre not really accepting but you have to surrender to it anyway.Β Β

Tarot Card: The EmperorΒ Β
This could mean one of two things, either your relationship has the stability and balance that you want or this is what itβs lacking, as The Emperor card represents structure, security, logic, and discipline. In relationships, it means that your love life is going well and that your partner is consistent, monogamous and serious about you or it means that this is not what youβre currently experiencing and youβre just settling. Itβs your choice as The Emperor to take charge of your love life and be more practical if you are looking for a long-term partner.Β Β

Tarot Card: The StarΒ Β
The Star Card is here to remind you that you need to drop your old baggage and beliefs if you want to find love Aquarius. It signifies renewed hope and faith in love after overcoming significant challenges and hardships. If youβve been trying to heal from something or if youβve been closing yourself off from love, this is your time to open up your heart, let your guard down and believe in romance again. If youβre used to things not working out for you or if you constantly pick the wrong partners, The Star card indicates that this is about to change because as you heal, you will find yourself attracting healthy relationships and better people.Β Β
PiscesΒ Β

Tarot Card: Temperance CardΒ Β
Your love life or your partner may be testing you at the moment, which is why the Temperance card is here for you. You may need to be more patient and understanding if youβre always jumping to conclusions or if you are not seeing things from the other personβs perspective. This card invites you to be more thoughtful, more understanding and more compassionate, and maybe find a happy medium in your love life. If you are too worried about timing or if you want things to happen quickly, it may be a good idea to let things naturally flow instead of trying to control the outcome.