Read These 13 Tips Before Moving In With Your Forever Person
Ivan Samkov

Check Out These 13 Tips Before Moving In With Your Forever Person

“Realize that living together doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be up each other’s ass 24/7. It’s important to still do stuff you enjoy and take time for yourselves without feeling obligated to constantly do stuff together. Other than that, communicate stuff that bothers you in a way that won’t be hurtful towards your partner.” — korlic77

“Fair doesn’t necessarily mean equal. Communicate early and often. Each person will experience hardships, so be kind and pick up slack when your partner needs it, because sooner or later you’ll need some compassion.” — PrisonWhoreOfAzkaban

“Talking about money and what you want for the future is necessary.” — hallam81

“Talk about the little things that bug you right away don’t let it build up until you hate the way they breathe across the table.” — WoodenFroggie

“Be at least as polite to each other as you would be to any other roommate, all the time.” — SherrifOfNothingtown

“Get ready to change a little bit. Living with someone requires you to change some habits. You’re going to have to compromise, and that’s okay. Your day to day life is going to change, and that’s okay too.” — [deleted]

“Have your own spaces. Feeling like you’ve lost independence can mess with a relationship. You’re coming together, and that is awesome, but you can be closer if you also feel secure that you are still yourself.” — DaughterEarth

“Don’t stress about the small things. The small things they do that annoy you? Yeah, you do them too.” — Dammitgotme

“Find ways to be thankful for the things the other person does. My GF sets up my coffee in the morning so all I have to do is turn it on. Such a small thing but I make sure to thank her all the time. I try and do small things like that for her too. It matters in the long run.” — White_Trash_Mustache

“Better talk about religion and children before taking that step. I’ve seen both break up a lot of couples.” — TheyCallMeChunky

“Inevitably you‘ll discover annoying habits about your SO that you never noticed before. Try to be patient and acknowledge that everyone has their own way of doing things, and every relationship involves a period of adapting to each other’s quirks. In the grand scheme of things it doesn’t matter if the toothpaste is squeezed from the top or bottom.” — azazel-13

“Maintain your outside friendships. It is super easy to start spending every last second together. While at first this seems awesome, a year down the road you’ll seriously regret it if you let your friends fall to the wayside. If you had buddies you hung out with, keep hanging out with them. This goes for both of you, and don’t get all clingy when the other person runs off for a night out without you. You don’t need to live in each other’s pockets 24/7/365.” — Demonae

“Move in together as an active step towards committing to the relationship permanently, not to save money or for convenience.” — Readonly00