
Date A Man Who Loves Like Anthony Bridgerton

Date a man who puts you first.

The kind of man who accepts you fully, even if maybe the rest of the world doesn’t. The kind of man who makes sure you’re ready to meet him where he’s at and doesn’t push you out of his own selfish wants (because consent is important). The kind of man who stops entertaining thoughts of other romantic prospects once he chooses you because he knows you are the one he wants.

Date a man who walks into a room full of people and only sees you.

The kind of man who could be surrounded by plenty of other interesting people but is still always drawn to you. The kind of man who wants to know your reaction to something before anyone else’s. The kind of man who could be standing next to someone who is perfect on paper but still only have eyes for you.

Date a man who lets you challenge him—and who challenges you, too.

The kind of man who doesn’t try to punish you for not always seeing eye to eye with him—who even welcomes your dissent. The kind of man who listens to your critiques and does what he can to be better. The kind of man who isn’t afraid to do the same for you, because the best kind of love is one that grows together.

Date a man who matches your energy.

The kind of man you can laugh with without worrying he’ll take it the wrong way. The kind of man who will comfort you when you’re going through something difficult, because he sees your burdens as something he wants to carry. The kind of man who can match your humor and your competitive streak and your vulnerability—who can be a best friend as well as a lover. 

Date a man who isn’t afraid of how much he wants you.

The kind of man who’s honest with you about the way he feels about you, even when he finds it confusing himself. The kind of man who will push past his own reservations about relationships to give you what he believes you deserve. Because let’s face it, love can be terrifying, and while it’s easier to run away, the right person will face it head-on.

Date a man who wants to build a life that will make you both happy.

The kind of man who is willing to compromise because he knows your desires are just as important as his own. The kind of man who will consult you before making big decisions because he knows your input is valuable. The kind of man who wants you to be the happiest version of yourself and who will do what he can to ensure that.

Date a man who isn’t afraid to admit their faults.

The kind of man who apologizes when he knows he’s hurt you in some way. The kind of man who recognizes he’s not always right and isn’t afraid to humble himself before you. The kind of person who will try every single day to become the person you deserve—because love shines best through actions, and he’s willing to show you as best he can.

Date a man who loves you like Anthony Bridgeton, because you deserve to be the object of all of someone’s desires.