Horoscope For Today: Monday, April 1, 2024
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April Fool’s Day gets off to a proper start when metal Mercury goes retrograde in Aries at 6:14 pm. The Universe is urging us to avoid hasty decisions, especially those made in anger. There will be times when we’re tempted to act out of boredom, nervousness, or frustration. It’s better to watch, listen, and wait until the 25th to make any big moves.
The Moon moves through ambitious Capricorn most of the day, making a sextile to Mars in reflective Pisces at 1:49 pm, then squaring the Sun in competitive Aries at 11:15 pm. Working behind the scenes will be more productive than fighting to command the spotlight.
Mercury retrogrades in your 1st house, causing you to second-guess yourself. Normally, you project bold confidence. This newfound vulnerability could attract lots of romantic interest; don’t be surprised when someone who was once indifferent to your charms starts flirting. The stern Capricorn Moon squares your Sun, warning you not to lock horns with a moody authority figure. Never fear; you’ll get a chance to move up the ladder in the final week of April.
The Capricorn Moon forms a lovely trine with your natal Sun, helping you to share your wisdom and experience in rewarding ways. You might consider enrolling in a class or planning a trip, but it’s best to hold off until Mercury goes direct on the 25th. At that point, there may be better options available, including a big discount on tuition, airfare, or hotel rooms. Meanwhile, a sextile between the Moon and outgoing Mars paves the way for a fun social outing.
Mercury, your ruler, retrogrades through your 11th house until the 25th. It may be difficult to get together with friends and relatives, as schedules are continually changing. The Moon’s sextile to dynamic Mars makes you long for career advancement. Taking the helm of a creative project can generate good publicity, but you may have to wait until the end of the month to get the raise or promotion you want.
The transiting Moon opposes your natal Sun, bringing a welcome opportunity to receive. This can be challenging for a natural nurturer like you. However, after letting others run errands, buy you coffee, and fix a meal, you’ll enjoy being pampered. Mercury’s retrograde through your 10th house of career invites you to reconsider what kind of work you want to do; keep your options open. An exciting job opportunity could appear as early as the 25th.
A square between the transiting Moon and the Sun in Aries creates frustration with work. It may feel like you’re in a dead-end position. If you’re looking for a job, finding one that matches your talents and expertise may be difficult. Fortunately, your romantic life is heating up, providing a welcome diversion from any professional problems. Dive into the arms of an ardent partner or take the initiative with a love interest.
Don’t freak out about debt. Mercury’s retrograde through your 8th house of joint resource can help you renegotiate the terms of a loan, get a lower interest rate on a credit card, or have a bill wiped out altogether. The best way to manifest abundance is to spend a few minutes each day thinking about how it feels to be debt-free; make this a habit between now and the 25th, when your ruler goes direct.
A close relationship causes confusion, courtesy of the Mercury retrograde. Power struggles and angry outbursts make you question whether you want to pursue a romance or business partnership. Don’t make any hasty decisions, especially when you’re enraged. Exercise is a healthy outlet for frustration today now that the Moon makes a supportive sextile to active Mars. A square between the Moon and Sun suggests domestic chaos; cleaning out a single drawer can create clarity.
If you don’t see the results you want from a health regimen, take heart. Mercury’s retrograde in your 6th house of wellness makes it a good time to make minor adjustments to your routine. Listen to your body. It’s eager to restore your natural vibrant health. When you feel tired, rest. Don’t force yourself to eat food you dislike. When your muscles twinge, swap intense exercise for gentle stretching. By the 25th, you’ll see the progress you desire.
You may not be lucky in love now that Mercury goes retrograde through your 5th house of romance, but you can attract abundance. The Moon puts a reliable money-making opportunity in your path. Working remotely is a good possibility. This arrangement will give you more freedom to travel. Resist the temptation to make a lot of expensive purchases with this new source of income; build up your savings first. You can spoil yourself after the 25th.
The Moon transits your 1st house, making you more determined than ever to get what you want. Manifesting a beautiful home is possible, provided you make some changes to your daily routine. Put aside a set time each day to immerse yourself in the feeling state of owning your dream place. Imagine how it feels to walk barefoot through the rooms, admire the views, and luxuriate in bed. By the 25th, you could be handed a new set of housekeys.
Be prepared to revise some opinions between now and the 25th when Mercury finally goes direct. You may have to learn a new software program or change the way you perform certain tasks. Rather than dig in your heels, maintain an open mind. After a period of adjustment, you may discover that the new approach is far superior. The Moon’s sextile to brave Mars prompts you to make a bold move toward personal happiness. Don’t be afraid to quit a job that makes you miserable.
Mercury goes retrograde in your 2nd house of income, creating uncertainties with your financial situation. Fortunately, you’re not the type to panic over money matters. The Moon’s sextile to motivational Mars prompts you to ask friends for support. Someone in your social circle could alert you to a job that not only pays well but also draws on your creative talent. You may not get an official offer until the 25th, so be patient.