Horoscope For Today: Saturday, November 25, 2023

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Today holds great potential for you to harness and plan rather than act out, Aries. Sagittarius season is in full swing, and you’ve likely been feeling some restlessness about getting out and exploring the world—but today, Mars is squaring up to Saturn in Pisces (in your 12th House), which feels as though you’re being held back or contained from pursuing and expressing your desires—especially explorative ones. This can cause tension and even put you in the space to be aggressive, so be mindful. However, you also have some potential luck in the financial sector today with Jupiter, the planet of abundance, getting cozy with the Moon in your 2nd House of Income and Values. Whether it’s a pay raise, a new client, or a stroke of luck, tuck the money away for your future travel plans.


Today could feel like a pull between you and your social circles today—it’s best to set the bullheadedness aside and take a few deep breaths. Mars in your 8th House of Intimacy and Bonds is squaring Saturn in your 11th House of Friends and Networking, which is causing some tension in terms of your friend group and what you feel you owe to each other. You want that intimacy and interdependence, but you don’t want to be taken advantage of. Try not to jump to conclusions today; keep your head down unless you’re being dragged into something. The good news is you have the strength to set much-needed boundaries with Jupiter and the Moon (your chart ruler) cozied up in your 1st House of Identity and Self, so don’t be afraid to say no.


Think before you speak today, Gemini, especially regarding work. With Mars in your 7th House of Partnerships squaring Saturn in your 10th House of Career and Public Image, you could deal with tension in your work environment—especially if a business partner is involved. Alternatively, this could involve tension between a close friend or romantic partner and perceived expectations in the public eye (think a social media post that gives you a bit of a side-eye). Either way, don’t get ahead of yourself in jumping to conclusions before you know all the facts. However, your intuition is more alert than usual with the Moon joining Jupiter in your 12th House of the Subconscious, so taking the evening to rest, recharge, and meditate could do a world of good.


You’ve had a lot on your plate lately, Cancer. It feels like there is always something to do—and today is no different. With Mars in your 6th House of Routines and Wellness squaring Saturn in your 9th House of Travel and Expansion, the tension between what you wish you were doing and what you must do is becoming known today. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed sometimes and wish you could slow down, but don’t beat yourself up too much for having to take care of your daily tasks. With Jupiter and the Moon forming a conjunction in your 11th House of Friendship, take the time to go out with some friends tonight. All of you could use the venting session!


You could feel a pull between your inner desires and the work you’re creating lately, Leo. With Mars in your 5th House of Creativity and Pleasure squaring Saturn in your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources, your deepest desires could feel serious tension from experiencing joy and creativity to the fullest. There could also be some sexual tension—in a not-as-fun way—as repressed sexual feelings are triggered by a craving to act on more impulsive desires. You don’t have to deny yourself pleasure to be successful, but don’t allow one decision to unravel everything you’ve worked hard for. If you can, focus on your career today—Jupiter and the Moon in your 10th House of Career is an opportunity for positive work news that could help take your mind off things.


Home and connections are feeling the heat today, Virgo. With Mars in your 4th House of Home and Roots and Saturn squaring in your 7th House of Partnerships, you could feel more sensitive and aggressive in protecting your family or familial values today. Well-meaning partners or friends could spark some insecurity or frustration, but don’t be quick to dismiss others or talk down to them. Keeping your mind open will feel a bit easier with Jupiter and the Moon in your 9th House of Travel and Expansion—so don’t be afraid to consider another point of view.


The balancing act between what to do for yourself and what to do for others in your close network could feel some strain today. With Mars in your 3rd House of Communication and Local Community squaring Saturn in your 6th House of Habits and Wellness, there is a power struggle between you feeling called to do more for your friends and community and needing to be disciplined in keeping yourself together and getting things done. This pressure is worth sitting with today—and it’s important to remember that you can’t do it all and can’t be expected to. On the other hand, with Jupiter and the Moon in your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources, you could be on the receiving end of some much-needed support, which could be the reminder you need.


Do you feel you must suffer for your art lately, Scorpio? Today, that question may be more pressing with Mars in your 2nd House of Income squaring Saturn in your 5th House of Creativity and Pleasure. The feeling of needing to make money to survive and fighting against your desire to create for genuine pleasure is an ongoing battle, but don’t get down on yourself for doing what you have to do to ensure your bills are paid. The art is always waiting for you. If you need some encouragement, turn to your partner or friends today for some nurturing—Jupiter and the Moon in your 7th House of Partnerships set up the potential for it to be healing.


You can’t please everyone, Sagittarius, including your family. Mars in your 1st House is squaring Saturn in your 4th House of Home and Roots, which could result in some tension associated with setting yourself apart from your family or trying to be more independent in your self-expression that your family doesn’t totally love. Remember that you are allowed to be yourself, and while your family is well-intentioned, hiding who you are doesn’t solve anything in the long run. On the plus side, Jupiter and the Moon cozying up in your 6th House of Habits and Wellness could give you an outlet to expel that pent-up aggression, so if someone invites you for a run or if you get the chance to participate in something calming, take the invite. 


Today may feel frustrating when it comes to getting your point across, Capricorn. With Mars in your 12th House of Subconscious and Secrets squaring Saturn in your 3rd House of Communication, it can feel as if you have several revelations you want to discuss. Still, you’re hitting a wall, and it’s causing more frustration and anxiety than anything else. Take a breath and know that you don’t have to get everything out all at once. With Jupiter and the Moon in your 5th House of Creativity and Pleasure, you could find that creating some art might be a better way of expression or that you could get some sparks going to take your mind off the tension.


You want to go out with friends, Aquarius, but you’re worried about your finances more than usual. With Mars in your 11th House of Friends squaring Saturn in your 2nd House of Income, you’re feeling stressed that some much-needed friend time is going to drain your wallet—and it’s hard to figure out what to do. If your group wants to do something expensive and extravagant tonight, it’s okay to pass on the invite; there will be other opportunities. If your group is willing to keep things low cost, then let yourself indulge just a little. With Jupiter and the Moon in your 4th House of Home and Roots, you could even suggest a night in for a movie marathon or game night to get the best of both worlds. 


Your Career and Identity are in a tug of war today, Pisces. With Mars in your 10th House of Career and Public Image squaring Saturn in your 1st House of Self, you could wonder if you’re in the right career path or if it aligns with the person you want to be. With Jupiter and the Moon in your 3rd House of Communication and Community, you could fire up the group chat to get some opinions to help you sort things through–or you could come across some job openings in your local area that feel more aligned with what you’re looking for. Keep your eyes open!