How Each Zodiac Sign Self-Sabotages Their Dating Life


Aries know what they want and how to get it. Compromise and patience are not two of their strong suits, making it hard to maintain long-lasting bonds. They sabotage their love life when their need for control overrides their emotions and drives people away. 


Taurus can become very possessive in a relationship. They forget that their partner is a person — not an object. They sabotage their love life when they make their partner feel trapped.


Geminis can be extremely co-dependent, especially when in love. Demanding too much from their partner sabotages their relationship.


Cancer’s manipulative tendencies ruin relationships for them. They have a hard time trusting and begin questioning everything their partner says.


Leos have potent personalities and must always stay in the limelight. Their assertiveness can become a turn-off to their partner because they don’t often consider others’ feelings.


Libra’s indecision will often ruin their relationships. They are indecisive, and that inability to make a choice can cost them a fantastic person.


Virgos want everything to be perfect, including their relationship. They have difficulty accepting that people are messy. They sabotage their love life by holding their partner to an unattainable standard.


Scorpios are independent and want to solve problems on their own. This can make their partner feel they don’t want their support. They don’t let their partner see their vulnerable side, which sabotages their relationship.


Sagittarius tends to overthink just about everything and anything. They sabotage their love life by overthinking and creating problems out of trivial or nonexistent issues.


Capricorns tend to have a hard time with forgiveness, especially in relationships. They sabotage their love life when they’re unwilling to accept an apology and move on.


Aquarians are not ones to spill their feelings. They would much rather look at things from a logical perspective. They sabotage their love life by not expressing their feelings or concerns with their partner when they arise. 


Pieces tend to come off as overly emotional. And that’s because, well, they are. They feel things deeply and intensely. They let their emotions take over too frequently, which leads to relationship sabotage.