How To Get Over An Ex You Thought Was Your Forever
“The biggest thing for me is to let go. Let go of everything you were looking forward to. Everything you wanted to do. You no longer want to do those things. Every time you begin a conversation in your head about what you wanted to have, let it go. It’s hard but you’ve got to reformulate your life without them. They’re not coming back.” — mistaniceguy
“What helped me the most was writing her a long email about her faults and shitty behavior. If you do this, don’t hold anything back. Do NOT send this email. It’s therapy for you, not for them.” — Ben_Thar
“Actually rationalize it. Understand your loss and why you might think you lost more than you really did. If it ended because they didn’t love you or loved you less than you loved them, understand that you only lost someone who didn’t love you, so in reality you didn’t lose anything of real worth. You’d never be happy long term in a relationship where they didn’t truly love you back.” — Furicist
“I found the best way to get over an ex was to date myself. Sounds sooooo cheesy, I know, but I spent time rediscovering this new me. I spent a LOT of time with my family and friends, I volunteered, I explored my hobbies, took on a few more shifts at work, basically loving on myself. It helped me a lot!” — LikeINeverSaid
“Anything but a rebound. Don’t drag someone else’s emotions into your own emotional mess. It’s unfair” — failed-existence
“I know it sounds very cliché but just go on about your day, and for the love of every single god do not stalk their social media it’ll only make it harder for you. It will hurt the first few weeks of course, nothing you can do about that. Also, find a hobby or meet new people, maybe start doing something you used to before you started dating but stopped because you didn’t have the time anymore.” — ChillOnTheHillz
“Exercise and try to do things that make you feel better about yourself. Buy new outfits, get a new hairdo, etc.” — littlemegzz
“When you catch yourself starting an imaginary conversation or ruminating on them, acknowledge it and bring your mind away from it. Focus on the present. Practicing meditation will help you do this more effectively” — Zwolfer
“NO CONTACT. Don’t look at their Instagram, don’t message them, don’t see them. Get rid of everything that reminds you of them. Also get out of any environment where you two interact. Can’t heal a wound if you keep messing with it. After that, time will take care of the rest.” — anaxosalamandra
“The only way out of heartbreak is to go through it, feel it, and process it. You’ll eventually realize you haven’t thought about them in a while and don’t feel much either way when you do think of them.” — GooglePixel69
“Remember, you will never be happy being with anyone who doesn’t want to be with you. If you have abandonment issues, fear or terror of being alone, or other trauma, this can make you think being with anyone is better than being alone, but that isn’t true.” — twlscil