Tarotscope For This Week: January 5 – 11, 2025
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Your card: Queen of Cups
Your energy can sometimes be frenetic and intense. Still, you care fiercely for people in your life and can be relied on when someone needs you in a way that doesn’t involve you solving all their problems. This week, just be a good listener when someone comes to you with a problem.
Your card: The World
It’s time to celebrate your accomplishments this week. You’re finishing another year and there’s no harm in looking back at 2024 and recognizing all that you’ve done. You’ve grown and changed, whether you tried to or not, and now’s the time to celebrate. You deserve it.
Your card: Knight of Cups
When presented with a problem this week, the best thing you can do is just follow your heart. While others might try to think their way out of the situation, you know deep down what’s right. You just have to connect with your intuition and you’ll have all the answers you need.
Your card: Temperance
Take it easy this week. You may have all sorts of things you want to get done now that we’re properly in the new year, but don’t forget about moderation. Balance is always best in these situations. The “all or nothing” approach isn’t as cool as it might sound.
Your card: Ace of Swords
Get ready for a breakthrough this week. Something that has been bothering you will finally have an answer. You might just wake up one day with total clarity. Or maybe you’ll have to do a little soul-searching before you figure out it. Either way, you’re about to finally have some relief.
Your card: The Hermit
After the holidays, the odds are high that you’re currently physically, emotionally, and socially exhausted. Rather than continuing to spend time with people, this is a good week to just be by yourself as much as possible. Rest and recharge after an exhausting end of 2024.
Your card: 10 of Swords
Things aren’t going your way this week. Outside forces are sending some seriously dark vibes your way and there may be someone in your vicinity who has bad intentions. While this news may have you wanting to hide yourself away, don’t let a few bad apples keep you from living your life.
Your card: Ace of Pentacles
If you’ve been wanting to start something new with your career or your finances, this is the perfect week to make it happen. Perhaps you have a related New Year’s resolution. Don’t wait for some other time to put the wheels in motion. There’s no time like the present.
Your card: The Fool
New years mean fresh starts. Unlike some of the other zodiacs, you’re not against having big goals as your New Year’s resolutions. This week, accept that you’re at the start of a new journey. How you begin this year may be completely different than how you end it, and that’s the exciting part.
Your card: Ace of Cups
This card signals the start of a new relationship. It could mean a literal romantic relationship, but it could also mean a budding friendship or even a new coworker who you look forward to seeing every day. These human connections are what make life so much better.
Your card: 2 of Cups
You know that feeling when you meet someone and you just instantly click? You think they’re great and they feel the exact same way about you. This week, you’ll be reminded that you have someone like that in your life. Make sure they know just how much you appreciate them.
Your card: 9 of Swords
Negative emotions keep spilling over for you this week. They may not even be spurred on by anything concrete. Sometimes you just feel bad without anything you can pinpoint as the cause. Try your best not to let these bad vibes run your life.