Tarotscope For This Week: November 10 – 16, 2024
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Your card: The Emperor
This is the major arcana card associated with Aries, so the authoritative and powerful energy of The Emperor is especially important for you this week. Take authority over your own life. While things may feel uncertain and out of your control right now, there are still ways to keep hold of your life. Look for them.
Your card: The Hermit
You’re probably stoked to get this card this week. It’s essentially a free pass for staying at home as much as you want, which is very stereotypical of a homebody Taurus. Just make sure that being alone is actually rejuvenating you, and not making any negative feelings that much worse.
Your card: Queen of Cups
There are people in your life who need you. This week, be the calm comfort they need when they need to vent or cry or rage. Just listen–don’t offer solutions in less they ask for them. And if you worry that you’re not doing enough, know that comfort does a lot to help soothe minds.
Your card: 10 of Wands
You may feel this need to do everything you can this week. You have so much you want to get done, but don’t forget to think about your own health and happiness. You can’t be everything to everyone. It’s impossible. Don’t overextend yourself or you could bend to the point of breaking.
Your card: 6 of Swords
Things are changing, whether you want them to or not. This week, work toward accepting what you can’t change and fixing the things you can. It may require letting go of the life you were hoping for, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find happiness in this new reality.
Your card: 9 of Wands
You’re probably pretty tired this week. Certain aspects of your life may even feel futile, but giving up isn’t an option right now. While it’ll be extra tiring, keep working toward your goals this week. You might have to tweak those goals alone, but you shouldn’t abandon them entirely.
Your card: The World
If you were wondering when a good time to travel is, now’s perfect. At the very least, this week is a great time to start planning. Where will you go? For how long? What will you bring and who will come with you? We all deserve time to get away, right?
Your card: 8 of Cups
While it can be difficult to do, sometimes the best option is to give up or walk away from a situation that no longer serves you. This week, muster up the courage to do just that. While it might not feel that way right now, you’ll be better off if you leave this situation behind.
Your card: Knight of Pentacles
This is the week when you need to get right down to the hard work. Being productive not only gets you closer to where you need to be, but it can also distract you from situations that get under your skin. If you have to create a routine to get by, so be it.
Your card: 5 of Swords
You’re feeling extra spicy this week and are ready to fight with anyone or anything that gets in your way. While having that fighter’s spirit is so important this week, make sure you’re picking your battles appropriately. Some are better to fight than others right now.
Your card: The Lovers
This card is all about finding harmony with someone you care about or between two separate sides of yourself. Some of the best relationships, whether romantic or otherwise, feature two halves that complement each other. They don’t have to be the same for them to be the right fit.
Your card: 6 of Wands
Something you’ve been working toward will find its successful end this week. Don’t be afraid to show your pride for what you’ve done. We all need positivity, yourself included. So celebrate your wins not only for yourself, but with the people around you whom you care about.