
Tarotscope For This Week: October 6 – 12, 2024

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Your card: 3 of Cups

Set up a celebration for this week. Maybe you or one of your friends has an accomplishment worth celebrating. Even if you can’t find a concrete reason to have a little get-together, that shouldn’t deter you from having one. Invite all your favorite people and soak up the positive social energy.


Your card: Knight of Cups

You sometimes have a hard time choosing between logic and emotion. Deep down you’re incredibly romantic, but you’re not always sure when to use it. This week is all about your emotional ideals. Lead with your romanticism and follow your heart. Logic can take a backseat for once.


Your card: Queen of Pentacles

Don’t step away from opportunities to be generous this week. Although your generosity could come in the form of your time or your listening ear, the Queen of Pentacles indicates more of a concrete form of comfort. Make food for someone who needs it, donate your well-loved clothes, or give money to a worthy cause.


Your card: 10 of Cups

This week, don’t look toward others as the producers of your happiness. Instead, your happiness and positivity should come from within. Don’t let others control your own emotions. You’re the one who dictates your mood. It might be harder than it sounds, but you’ve got this.


Your card: Ace of Cups

Is there someone in your life that you’ve been wanting to get closer to? Maybe you have a crush on someone or you’ve met a new acquaintance that you want to turn into a great friend. This is your week to do it. The Ace of Cups signals the beginning of a beautiful relationship, whether romantic or platonic.


Your card: Justice

Objectivity is super important this week. It can be difficult to take the fair and balanced approach when you’re stuck on your own opinions or biases. Everyone will be better of this week, including you, if you lean more toward what is fair for everyone than what works best for just you.


Your card: The Fool

You’re at the beginning of a new life path right now. Maybe you’re starting a new job or new relationship or you’re just finally ready for a change. The best thing about a transitional period in life is that you have a whole wealth of possibilities opening up ahead of you. This week, step forward with courage and determination.


Your card: 8 of Swords

It can sometimes feel like the universe is out to get you–especially when one thing after another goes wrong. The truth is, you have a lot more power over your life than you’re giving yourself credit for. This week, try not to let that feeling of powerlessness keep you from living your life.


Your card: The Emperor

While you’re normally a spontaneous adventurer who loves spur-of-the-moment plans, this week would be better with a bit more structure. Keep your life in as much order as you can or things could spin out of control. Luckily, you’re good at taking the lead when it’s needed.


Your card: Queen of Cups

You’re a problem-solver. It’s what you’re known for as a pragmatic Capricorn. It also means you will try to solve your friends’ problems even if they didn’t ask for help. This week, when someone comes to you with an issue, just be the calm, comforting listener they’re looking for. Leave your opinions and advice at the door.


Your card: 4 of Cups

You may be feeling a little off this week. While you don’t normally mind being alone–you often thrive that way–that won’t be the case right now. Instead, this separation will feel like a disconnection from the people around you. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people when you need them.


Your card: 3 of Pentacles

Although you’re great at getting things done by yourself, sometimes it’s better to work as a team. This week, don’t be afraid to ask for help. You’re always helping others, so you might as well have some of them return the favor for you now.