Tarotscope For Today: Monday, July 1, 2024
Your Card: Seven of Pentacles
What is it that is distracting you today, Aries? Until recently, you’ve been very focused on yourself, your goals, your passion, and your personal growth. But something has come up that is deviating you from the path you set for yourself. You’re completely off your routine today. What is it that is on your mind? You were so full of energy and determination before so what happened? The Seven of Pentacles might suggest that perhaps someone said something that made you second guess yourself. Whether or not they intended to do so, the fact remains that you can’t seem to stop thinking about it. There is still time for you to get back into the swing of things so don’t beat yourself up or else this only paralyze you from starting again even more. For now, just take the time to figure out why this comment is affecting you so much. This block isn’t a matter of simple procrastination or laziness. Get to the root of it and you’ll find yourself back on track again.
Your Card: Two of Wands
You’re restarting to feel a little bored with life, lately. As if everything has become too predictable. Too repetitive. Too cyclical. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, Taurus but I can see why you’re starting to feel a bit antsy. As if you’re waiting for the next surprise or call to action rather. You seek a challenge which is admirable. Today might be your chance for that. Just make sure you have everything under control first. Make sure you’re not overestimating your ability to take on more. But with that said, a fresh challenge is exactly what you need to break this mundane cycle.
Your Card: The Hanged Man
Take a look around yourself today, Gemini, and ask yourself if this is the person you want to be. Perhaps your opinions and patterns of behavior are more influenced by those around you than you think. You’re so quick to judge everyone else, yet you fail to realize that you are not much different from them at all. As a matter of fact, a lot of the things that you dislike the most about certain people, are traits that you should work on yourself. The Hanged Man encourages you to change your point of view. Separate your point of view from your own ego and observe your behavior as a bystander. You will not only better understand yourself but those around you.
Your Card: Two of Cups
You two share a very special connection Cancer, no one can argue with this. However, just because you both share this connection doesn’t mean it’s meant to last forever. Connections aren’t justification for mistreatment and disrespect. Whether this is a friend, current lover, old lover, or family member, it’s unhealthy to use these justifications to convince ourselves why we should allow toxic dynamics to persist. With this specific connection, you may need to communicate better with one another or realize that it’s time to cut ties completely. The idea of losing them might be scary, but I promise you will be okay if you choose to respect yourself more than you do right now by allowing mistreatment.
Your Card: Knight of Wands
With the Knight of Wands, it seems as if you’re holding on to quite a bit of anger and resentment, Leo. There is something from your past that you just can’t seem to let go of. Don’t take this anger out on the wrong people. Though you feel justified in your actions, take a second to think before you speak because you might be more emotional than you realize. Understand, that hatred only affects you at the end of the day. The other people involved have nothing to do with how you choose to react.
Your Card: Seven of Wands
A question that seems to be on your mind today, Virgo, is whether or not it’s worth fighting for. This might be regarding a job position, a friendship, or a romantic relationship. You seem to have gotten to the point where you’re starting to wonder whether or not this is worth the effort anymore. This of course is a personal decision that you must come to on your own, but the Seven of Wands might suggest that it is worth fighting for. Continue forward and find a way to persevere. The reason why the things we care about and choose to seek out create challenges is that to level up, we need to grow up. In other words, you’re being lazy, Virgo. Life has gotten a bit too easy for you, and now you’re in a position where you have to make more effort than before. Therefore you are leaning towards tossing in the towel and letting this person or opportunity pass you by. You might regret it one day.
Your Card: Ace of Cups
Be extra careful with who you choose to lend your heart to today, Libra. If you’re unwise with this decision, you might find yourself feeling incredibly drained by the negative energy of those around you. You’re allowed to care, but caring doesn’t have to equal you giving up parts of yourself to others. You might be feeling responsible for everybody else’s happiness right now, but this is a mistake. It’s not your job to pull others out of their own despair. If you try and take on this role, you might find yourself sucked into it all without even realizing it until it’s too late.
Your Card: Page of Wands
With the Page of Wands, today you are being encouraged to try something new, Scorpio. Life is always going to be busy, there will most likely never be a moment where we have “the time” to finally give new hobbies or adventures a try. So make the time today. You don’t have to carve out half your day, just an hour will do. All the excuses you’re making up are your own fears being projected. If you’ve always wanted to learn how to dance, go do it. If you really want to run a marathon, just do it. Of course, all of what I’m saying is easier said than done, it’s also a lot easier to do than you think.
Your Card: The Emperor
You might be overreacting right now Sagittarius. Just because this problem matters to you, doesn’t mean it has to matter to everybody else. Everyone’s got their own issues to deal with right now but that doesn’t mean they don’t care about you, it just means they might not have the energy to care about your problems. The Emperor might suggest that perhaps it’s time you stop relying on everyone else to drop what they’re doing and help you, and instead deal with these issues on your own. Again, it’s not that nobody cares, but sometimes it’s good for us to be independent and learn to count on ourselves.
Your Card: Six of Swords
The Six of Swords might suggest that there is some missing information. You’re contemplating an important decision but you may or may not have all the context. There’s nothing wrong with making smart, analytical decisions however, you need to make sure you have all the information before you jump to the wrong conclusions. With that said, take some more time to think about whatever this situation is through. Though you may feel ready to say your peace, I assure you that following this mental exploration will help you clearly see the full picture and better inform you on how to move forward from there.
Your Card: The Devil
You have more control over the situation but you’re choosing to convince yourself that you are powerless. The Devil card can represent the vices in our lives that we feel chained to. Sometimes it feels as if our addictions or wants have more power over us than we over them and therefore all we can do is give in. But this is all an illusion. The illustration on The Devil tarot card shows a man and a woman chained, seemingly incapable of escaping. However, if you look closely, you can see that the chains aren’t securely fastened and therefore the man and woman can easily escape if they want to. That is the takeaway to remember from this care. We have a lot more control over ourselves than we want to admit because the truth is, sometimes we don’t want to better ourselves. So ask yourself Aquarius, are you really as powerless as you feel? Or rather, do you enjoy feeling like a victim?
Your Card: Page of Cups
There might be someone in your life that you dislike very much for whatever unknown reason. You can’t exactly pinpoint what it is about them that annoys you or disgusts you, yet that’s just how you feel. Be honest, Pisces, do you think the root of this resentment is deep-seated jealousy? You’re one of the most introspective signs of the zodiac and you possess a level of self-awareness that most don’t, however, that does not negate the fact that you too are only human, and therefore sometimes you don’t understand yourself as well as you’d like to think. The thing is, envy and jealousy are one of those emotions that no one can easily admit to. We are quicker to say sorry for angry outbursts, or hurting other’s feelings by accident, but NO ONE wants to be seen as insecure or envious. So with that said, admitting this to yourself is not a sign of weakness, but perhaps it’s a necessary step towards better understanding yourself.