Susanna Marsiglia

Tarotscope For Today: Saturday, March 30, 2024

Table of Contents


Your card: 8 of Wands

You’ll get news today that could change everything. In some situations, that change is out of your hands. You just have to decide if you’ll go with it or struggle against the current. Maybe this is a change that you’re in control of, though. In that case, make sure you’re making the right decisions.


Your card: The Chariot

Right now, you’re so close to success. All it takes is a little self-confidence and determination. You’re steering this boat, and you get to decide where it goes. Today, chart out your final course that will get you to your hopeful end goal. You’re almost there, so get ready to celebrate.


Your card: 9 of Cups

Work toward emotional stability today. A feeling of peace and calm is at the ready and will be so helpful if you run into your wicked ex or you have to talk to a toxic friend who normally gets under your skin. Remember that you’re amazing and you don’t need to lower yourself to their level.


Your card: Wheel of Fortune

Karma has its eye on you today, so make sure you wind up in its favor. Do good things, help people who need it, hold the door open for those walking in behind you. It’s all the things, large and small, that add more goodness into the world. And if you’re on the right side of karma today, you might just end up with good luck.


Your card: Judgement

Spend your Saturday looking for your inner calling. While you may have a lot of happiness and satisfaction in your life right now, is there anything still missing? Maybe your career isn’t how you want it to be or your home isn’t the comforting oasis you want it to be. Dig deep and find the ways you can make life so much better.


Your card: The Hermit

While you’re normally good at getting things done all by yourself, is that actually that satisfying? Sometimes you have to step outside of your own ego or pride and ask for help. Today’s the day when you should do just that. What have you been struggling with and who can you call for help?


Your card: The Emperor

Although you may not like to do it, you’ll have to lay down the law today. That could manifest as reinforcing a boundary someone keeps stepping on or finally confronting your roommate for eating all your pineapple. While you might feel awkward in the lead-up, you’ll feel so empowered when it’s all over.


Your card: 2 of Swords

You may be avoiding making a decision lately because it’s tough or you don’t want to face the consequences once you do. Today, you should finally use all that bravery and take the leap you’ve been meaning to make. Putting it off just prolongs all this anxiety anyway. If you get it over with, you’ll finally breathe easy.


Your card: The Moon

Your intuition is trying to telling you something, and it’s most likely exhibiting as fear and anxiety. Try to get to the bottom of what’s going on today. What are you worrying about the most? If you dig deeper, you may just find out the answer to what’s really going on.


Your card: 3 of Wands

This card is all about taking action. While it may be fun to make plans and fill out elaborate spreadsheets to make sure you have everything you need, don’t get caught up in the minutiae. It’s time to make an actual step toward your goals today. If all you do is sit back and hope, you’ll never get anywhere.


Your card: 7 of Cups

When you’re making a choice today, make sure you have the full, clear picture. If you’re laboring under false pretenses or someone is trying to trick you, you’re in danger of doing the wrong thing. Do your research, check with your gut instinct, and do everything you need to do to make sure this is the right choice.


Your card: Justice

All the work you’ve been putting in lately will finally come to fruition today, and hopefully that’s a good thing. With this card, it’s all about cause and effect. If you treat people right, good things will come to you. If you did something wrong and hoped you’d get away with it, you might just learn that’s anything but the case.