Tarotscope For Today: Sunday, June 1, 2024

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Your Card: Knight of Cups

The Knight of Cups is a hopeful romantic. Not to be confused with a hopeless romantic. Don’t be afraid of succumbing to those butterflies. Many of us are afraid of believing in the idea of love because we think that with love there always comes a cost. The things we find ourselves most attracted to are the things that pains us the most. Yet the Knight of Cups is an idealist who leans into poetics and romantics, unafraid of the things that move him. Consider this today. Love doesn’t trick us, but rather it helps guide us towards truth. Even if we fall for the wrong person, there is still a lesson to learn, a chance to grow and to get it right the next time. 


Your Card: Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands uses her charm and charisma to influence those around her. With her presence, Taurus, act as she does. Instead of approaching conflicts from a place of wanting to feel overtly superior, find a way to compromise so that everyone wins in the end. It’s not about being on top, it’s about avoiding conflict and being right doesn’t mean you will win in the end. 


Your Card: King of Wands

Don’t walk, Gemini, run! Seize the day and create your own opportunities. Though at times you can be a bit egotistical, with the King of Wands present, that may not be a bad thing today. If you’ve been feeling as if life hasn’t been fair to you, then stop waiting for the field to even out. In other words, stop waiting for the answer to make itself known, you are the answer. Take initiative today in whatever way that makes the most sense to you right now. 


Your Card: Two of Pentacles

There may be a shift in the status quo today, Cancer. Just be prepared for that. You seem to have gotten the hang of life (more or less) thus far but don’t get comfortable. With the Two of Pentacles, you may be experiencing an unexpected shift that completely throws a wrench in your long-term plans. Don’t stress, just track and adjust. As great as it is to have a “five-year plan”, it seldom goes according to how you accounted for. 


Your Card: Page of Pentacles

Keep your feet planted firmly on the ground today, Leo. You are one of the most ambitious and daring signs of the zodiac and while this is a great strength of yours, it also tends to be one of your weaker traits at the worst of times. Don’t get ahead of yourself. Sometimes you find yourself so focused on visualizing the outcome and the goals you wish to achieve, that you forget to prepare for the road ahead it takes to get there. With the Page of Pentacles, take the small steps and don’t jump ahead. Be thorough in your preparations and expect the unexpected. Only by keeping yourself grounded will you be able to overcome the realities and obstacles that line your path. 


Your Card: King of Cups

Virgo, you tend to suppress how you’re truly feeling if the emotions at play are especially uncomfortable for you. However, with the King of Cups, you are being encouraged to really sit with your emotions and allow them to play out. Understand the root of them. If you continue trying to ignore how you really feel, these repressed feelings may show up at the worst of times in irrational ways. As scary as it may sound, you have to ride the wave and only then will you find peace. You’re human too, and as in control as you normally are, we can’t always outrun our true feelings. 


Your Card: Emperor

With the Emperor card, you are being called to lead today, Libra. You are the sign of justice and balance and so your objectivity is needed today. People are often swayed by their own biases but you are better than most at making fair judgments based on the information that is presented to you. With that said, while it is important to consider emotions and feelings at play, now is not the time to let that cloud your judgment. Make the right decisions for the greater good. This may play out in your own isolated situations, or group situations. Regardless, the best outcome is one that is rational and sound. 


Your Card: Four of Swords

You’ve been obsessively contemplating your thoughts searching for the right answer but this obsession just may be leading you towards more questions, Scorpio. With the Four of Swords, ruminating is not the answer. Constantly thinking about our problems doesn’t actually solve them. Find a way to take a break. Clear your mind. Let it be for now. Stressing isn’t going to change anything. You need a mental break otherwise you’ll just continue spiraling into the same rut you can’t seem to dig yourself out of. It’s often in those moments when we’re able to get away from our problems that we can find the solutions to them. 


Your Card: The Empress

The Empress tarot card is a symbol of love, beauty, and the power of attraction. With that said, by putting out the right energy, you are sure to attract that same energy back, Sagittarius. The mind is a very powerful thing and our thoughts truly dictate the reality that we live in. Act as the Empress and ignore the negative that surrounds us constantly, instead focus on the beauty. Be the light you wish to find in the dark. You will grace all that you touch just as the Empress. 


Your Card: Eight of Cups

Stop living in the past, Capricorn. It’s over and done with. And though you may feel nostalgic for the past, it is time for you to start moving forward into the future. You might fear that you won’t find the same satisfaction in life that you had before by continuing in your journey but with the Eight of Cups, rest assured that better things lie ahead. But to find this, you have to shut the door behind, lock it, and throw away the key because that’s when the good stuff truly comes in. Be excited for what lies ahead, I think you will be pleasantly surprised. You’ll finally be able to look back on that series of unfortunate events and be happy that it happened because it brought you here. 


Your Card: Ten of Cups

The Ten of Cups tarot card is often associated with wish fulfillment. To find oneself in a place of pure emotional contentment. Hold on to today and savor each moment. Life is fleeting but at least you have right now, Aquarius. Take as many mental snapshots as you can today. Surround yourself with those that you care about most because life isn’t about the moments we have but rather the people that we share them with. Even in the worst of scenarios, the right people make it enjoyable and something worth experiencing. 


Your Card: Ten of Wands

Today might feel like a lot for you, Pisces. With the Ten of Wands present, you may be feeling incredibly overwhelmed to the point of mental and physical exhaustion. Perhaps it’s best to ask for help. There are people around you who are willing to help you lighten the load. This doesn’t mean that you are incapable of handling it yourself. You’re only human after all. You tend to beat yourself and get lost in your thoughts, asking yourself why you aren’t good enough. You are good enough, but when life becomes too much, it can break even the strongest of spirits.