Tarotscope For Today: Thursday, May 2, 2024
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Your card: 10 of Cups
While you might want to look for outside stimuli today, your happiness will be better found inside instead. You don’t need other people to know that you’re great. You don’t need to accomplish your goals or make bold moves to know that you’re worth something. Those feelings were in you all along.
Your card: 9 of Pentacles
You don’t need to ask for permission to get things done or do what makes you happy today. This card is encouraging you to go solo and trust that everything you need, you can find on your own. While it’s nice to work in a team, you should never forget how powerful you are all by yourself.
Your card: Knight of Pentacles
You’ll need to work hard today, whether it’s at your job, home, or something in your heart that needs attention. Don’t let procrastination get the best of you. It’s so easy to do nothing at all, but that doesn’t mean that’s the right thing to do. Get out there and get things done, Gemini.
Your card: 3 of Cups
Celebrate your accomplishments today. Or, if you can’t think of anything, use this moment to celebrate your friends and family instead. Not only should you lean toward positivity today, you should also do what you can to spread that great energy to the people in your life as well.
Your card: 5 of Pentacles
Are you in your head today? Try as you might, you could be having a hard time keeping your head out of a dark place, focusing more on what’s going wrong in your life than what’s working. All that anxiety and worry is coloring everything you do. Sometimes you just have to suffer through it and hope for a better day tomorrow.
Your card: Temperance
When making decisions today, don’t reach blindly for the next big thing. Instead, do everything with purpose. Do these choices serve you, or do they hold you back? Choose the option that will bring you forward in life in a positive way, and not the things that could hurt your future.
Your card: 7 of Wands
You may run into conflict today whether you want it or not. While it would be much better if today was smooth-sailing, that isn’t always in your control. All you can do is persevere and make sure you’re doing the right thing. If you’re unsure what that is, just listen to your gut and your heart.
Your card: The Chariot
You’re in control of what happens today. Don’t let anyone else take the reins. Remember that you’re the driver of your life–you steer it the way you want it to go. Sure, some things are out of our hands, but you have more control than you think. Today, do what you can to stay on track.
Your card: 3 of Pentacles
While you might prefer to do things yourself, you’ll be better off today if you work as a team. This could mean collaborating with people at work, teaming up with your partner at home, or just asking for help from someone in your life. We can’t always go it alone.
Your card: Ace of Pentacles
Take new opportunities as they pop today. Perhaps someone at your job will ask you to help on a new project or you’ll get the urge to quit and go for a new career. Follow the little messages from the universe that are steering you toward a new financial or career direction.
Your card: 4 of Pentacles
If you get the urge to splurge today, just ignore it. This card is telling you to be safe when it comes to money. It may seem like you can afford to get that thing you’ve been wanting, but it may turn out that something else needs those funds even more. Be careful and watch your spending.
Your card: 6 of Pentacles
If someone tries to help you or give you something today, don’t shrug off the offer. Generosity isn’t just about giving, but it’s also about receiving. You don’t have to always appear strong–receiving help doesn’t make you weak. Take what’s being offered to you with a hearty “thank you.”