Tarotscope For Today: Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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Your card: 2 of Pentacles
You have a lot you want to do today, but if you don’t stop and actually make a game plan, you definitely won’t get it all done. It’ll take some serious time management skills. Then again, you might not mind if you make it to the end of the day with a few things still on your to-do list.
Your card: King of Swords
While you are sometimes very correct about your assumptions, today isn’t the day to just trust that you know everything that’s going on. Instead, seek out the truth of the matter. Perhaps your view of a situation has been skewed this whole time.
Your card: 8 of Wands
You may have to make a quick decision today that you normally would have preferred to mull over. Some choices need to be made in the moment or you may miss your opportunity if you wait. When this moment comes today, just trust your intuition and you should be fine.
Your card: The World
Are you inching toward the end of a project? While these kinds of endings can feel bittersweet, there are still good things to come from its end. Now you can free up your time for new projects, goals, and dreams. The world has opened up to you, and you get to decide what happens next.
Your card: Temperance
You’re not exactly known for your patience. As a fire sign, you prefer instant gratification over having to wait for good things to come your way. Today, that impatience may be your downfall. Rather than stressing over what comes later, just enjoy what you have now while you wait.
Your card: The Hierophant
Connect with your spiritual side today, in whatever way that manifests. Whether it’s other astrology-friendly pursuits or more religious in nature, your connection to your inner feelings as well as the community around you will help keep your hope and faith as things get difficult.
Your card: Queen of Wands
Whatever you do today, do it with a smile on your face. There are always things in life that could be getting you down, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find glimmers of happiness, light, and love throughout your day. Positivity is your superpower.
Your card: 4 of Pentacles
Be careful with your spending today. While you may feel like you can afford a big purchase or a spur-of-the-moment impulse buy, there’s a chance you’ll need that money more in the future. It’s better to be frugal right now than to spend indiscriminately.
Your card: 5 of Cups
Regret is a tough emotion. It’s grief mixed with the wish that you could change the past. Alas, you can’t change what has already happened. Today, rather than letting regret and disappointment pull you down into the dark, try to keep your heart in the light. Every decision you’ve made in the past has gotten you where you are today.
Your card: 4 of Cups
Are you feeling disconnected from the people around you today? There’s a level of apathy that seems to be coloring all of your social interactions. You may just be having an off day, and that’s okay. We can’t always be social at any given moment. But if you feel this way more often than not, it might be time to talk to someone.
Your card: Strength
Be brave today. Do the thing that you’ve been scared of doing–especially if it’s just imposter syndrome or a fear of the unknown that’s been holding you back. You can handle anything that comes your way, so you might as well take the leap.
Your card: Judgement
Don’t be so harsh on yourself. Everyone makes mistakes, including you, and you know what? That’s okay. Practicing a little forgiveness for yourself is a must today. While it’s important to learn from your missteps, you shouldn’t hold them in your heart for so long that they hold you back.