Alena Yanovich

Tarotscope For Today: Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Table of Contents


Your card: 3 of Cups

This isn’t the day to just stay at home doing nothing. If you want to stick to home base, invite someone over to spend time with you. Or, if you’re feeling especially social, go out tonight. Set up a date or ask friends to meet you somewhere cool. It’d be a shame to waste all this good social energy.


Your card: The Magician

This is a powerful card when it comes to making things happen in your life. If you want good things to come, you can manifest them into existence now more than ever. Today, take at least one small step toward meeting your goals. There’s a good chance something great will come from it.


Your card: 5 of Wands

You may be feeling particularly competitive today–fired up and ready to wage a war. Just make sure everyone involved knows that there’s a competition going on. If you’re doing this in secret you could end up creating some enemies and that really wouldn’t be good.


Your card: King of Wands

This is a good day to talk to people. If there’s someone you’ve been meaning to text or call or invite out for drinks, this is the day to do it. You’ll have all the suave charisma to get through it just fine. Who knows, something new may come from this as well.


Your card: Justice

When given the choice, go with the fairest option today. If you’re the deciding factor, your first instinct may be to go with the option that helps you the most, but sometimes that isn’t the choice that would work for everyone. If you’re not careful, you could be creating some bad karma.


Your card: 5 of Pentacles

Whether you seemingly have a “good” reason or not, you could end up plagued by stress, worry, and anxiety today. Though stress can sometimes motivate you to get things done, it will probably have the opposite effect. Rather than embracing the stress, work on ways to ease it.


Your card: 3 of Wands

This is a great day to look toward your future. What do you want to happen in the next few weeks, months, or years? And what can you do right now to start your journey to getting there? It may sound like a daunting task, but all it takes is that first step.


Your card: The Lovers

Rather than being by yourself today, make a plan to be a duo instead. This could involve a little date night with your significant other, a hangout with your platonic bestie, or a first date straight from the dating apps. Clearly things will go well according to this card.


Your card: 5 of Cups

You may not be feeling your best today when it comes to your emotions. Something may be going on in your life right now that’s turned your world dark, or maybe you’ve just been reminded about a past heartbreak and it’s getting to you. Sometimes we just have to sit with the bad feelings and hope for a better tomorrow.


Your card: 4 of Pentacles

Save money today. While you might feel like you can afford to splurge on yourself, this card says otherwise. Don’t break the bank because you may end up needing those funds for something more important later on.


Your card: 9 of Pentacles

It’s time to celebrate what you’ve accomplished. You’re in a comfortable and happy place because you put in the work to get yourself there. You might as well do something nice for yourself to celebrate today, even if it’s just a fancy coffee beverage during your work break.


Your card: The High Priestess

There may be a mystery in your life, but you have the means to solve it. It may be something going on with someone in your inner circle, or a secret you may even be keeping from yourself. All you have to do is listen to your intuition. Deep down, you know what’s really good on.