Leeloo The First

The Type Of Affection You Need In Relationships, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Like all of our wants and desires in life, everyone is looking for something different in their romantic relationships. Some people might long for a loyal companion to stick by their side through periods of turbulent unrest. Others might look for someone to share their deepest secrets with, ushering in a layered relationship that lasts for years to come. In reality, the affection we crave in our romantic lives is entirely determined on who we are as a person, with every signs’ vision of love drastically different.


To you, dating shouldn’t be a flirtatious game of back-and-forth banter–it should be straightforward and direct, with each person plainly stating their thoughts rather than dancing around their feelings. If you’re in a terrible mood, you want someone who won’t easily pull away from you, calling you out whenever you say something rude out of anger or spite. Others might view this kind of relationship as a recipe for disaster, but you see it as the most honest romance imaginable, each person communicating their emotions without holding anything back.


As someone who has trouble expressing their thoughts, you prefer to communicate your sweeping romantic feelings through generous gifts and other gestures of kindness. Over the years, you’ve adopted action as your foremost love language, taking great stock in what your partner does, rather than they explicitly say. In your eyes, seeing your significant other clear the dishes or vacuum the living room rug without having to be asked is the loudest declaration of true love there is.


You don’t speak your mind very often, choosing to play it safe and remaining quiet lest you risk offending someone or accidentally driving them away. Because of this perpetual silence, you desperately crave someone you can freely communicate with, admitting to some of your deepest fears, desires, and wants in a romantic relationship. For you, trading secrets with your partner allows you both to strengthen your relationship, affording you a deeper glimpse into the interior selves you each keep hidden from the world.


When you’re in love, you go all in, showering your partner with affectionate keepsakes by the time the third date rolls around. At first glance, this characteristic might seem clingy or forced, but to you, it’s a genuine illustration of your feelings, expressing all of your hopes and dreams in regards to this newfound relationship you’ve stumbled upon. Because of this, you want someone whose enthusiasm for the relationship matches your own–a person who’s already reaching forward with an adorable stuffed teddy bear at the exact time you’re handing them a heart-shaped box of chocolate.


As someone plagued by occasional feelings of self-doubt, you’re looking for someone capable of lifting you up and dusting you off when you’re at your lowest point, reaffirming that you’re unique and perfectly deserving of love. Placing great value on your romantic partners, you want someone who makes their affection incredibly clear, explicitly telling you their emotions with loving words and giving you their full attention whenever you spend time together.


A pragmatic realist, you’ve long since come to terms with the fact that no one is perfect–not yourself, not your family, not even that special someone you hold dear in your life. Instead of growing dismayed at that realization, you’ve happily accepted the faults of each individual person in your life, viewing these minute imperfections as their defining characteristics. As an extension of this, you crave a similar-minded partner, someone perfectly aware of your own specific flaws, but who loves you in spite of them.


Some signs put intrinsic value on gifts or secrets. You, on the other hand, view a person’s time as the ultimate sign of their affection. It doesn’t matter if you spend your date nights tearing up a dance floor or quietly watching a movie at home. The fact that your partner has simply shown up to spend time with you speaks volumes about their personal attachment.


While some people balk at playful arguments or flirtatious confrontation, you actively seek it out in a relationship. As a person used to viewing life through your carefully-constructed worldview, you want someone that emotionally and intellectually challenges you, encouraging you to adopt new perspectives. Whether arguing about the latest superhero movie or bickering over whether to get Italian or Thai for dinner, you can’t help but smile every time your partner stands their ground, admiring their stubbornness and unwillingness to fold under pressure.


You approach life the same way bicyclists approach a downward slope, plunging ahead with carefree caution to the wind. Prizing your self-dependence, you want someone willing to share the adventures you hold such affinity for, contributing their own ambitious thoughts and plans for heart-racing activities. To you, few words are as soul-crushing as the sentence, “This doesn’t seem safe.” In reality, those four words simply don’t exist in your ideal partner’s vocabulary.


Some signs can dive into a relationship like they’re jumping into a swimming pool. As much as you’d like to follow in their footsteps, you believe falling in love should be a gradual process, filled with stepping stones that create a strong foundation for a relationship. You like moving at your own distinct speed, preferably taking things slower and giving your romance time to blossom and bloom, your partner expressing their thoughts through subtle actions (a quick peck on the cheek at the end of the third date, a small gift on the fifth, etc.)


Truthfully, you really don’t know what you’re looking for in a romantic affair, often leading you to commit to a relationship in order to feel acceptance from someone else. Though some of your past partners have expressed frustration at this emotional uncertainty, your ideal lover accepts this and is willing to give you whatever you need, whether you want space or someone by your side in especially difficult situations.


You’ve always seen yourself as someone special, priding yourself on your quirkiness and passionate creative abilities. Given how often you define life through the abstract, you find excitement in partners who challenge the pre-conceived norms set in traditional relationships. This special someone might catch you off guard by spontaneously planning a day trip to a nearby art gallery, or surprise you by slipping a heartfelt poem they wrote into your pocket. No matter how they choose to express their love, the creativity behind said gestures goes a long way in winning over both your heart and your mind.