What Your Love Life Will Look Like in The Astrological New Year, Based On Your Zodiac + Tarot
Your Card: Nine of Cups
Timing is a crazy thing. What seems like a weird coincidence is indicative of larger synchronicities at play. It’s always the second we have moved on from that person who we couldn’t get enough of, no matter how unhealthy it may have ended, that comes back around. Then suddenly we are hit with a sudden wave of nostalgia. Aries, you’ve done the hard work to get over them and the worst has long since passed. The Nine of Cups is indicative of this. You are much happier on your own right now. This time has allowed you to grow and push yourself as an individual. Your post-breakup glow-up has been insane. You’re not the person you used to be and with this person re-entering the picture, it will be the ultimate test. This year, you may find yourself rekindling lost love with an old flame. I’m not saying that giving them a second chance will be a bad decision. That is up to you two. Sometimes a break is much needed. As painful as it may be to part ways, it is a necessity to grow as individuals sometimes.
Expect a turning point come mid-spring with Venus transiting your sign. Despite all odds, things may work this time around. They say that if it was meant to be, it’ll be. Whatever transpires between you two may be proof of this. But regardless of the choice you make, the Nine of Cups is also a sign that you will be more than okay with either outcome. Even if things turn sour between you two, you have gained the ability to find inner happiness with or without them.
Your Card: Five of Wands
You’re such a deeply emotional person. You don’t take heartbreak easy. Not to say that anybody does but you in particular Taurus struggle with leaving the past behind and this is evident with the Five of Wands present. Do you find yourself unable to let go of the fuzzy warm feelings you have for someone who has long since moved on? Be honest. It’s not healthy to force any potential lovers into a certain mold that they simply don’t fit in. Do you think you’re looking for love or a replication of a past that no longer exists? Come summer, Venus brings positive influence. There is great potential waiting for you and whoever this person is will care deeply for you but for this to work, you have to heal and move on.
The most difficult aspect of healing completely after a breakup is that we struggle with the idea of indifference. We don’t want that person who meant so much to us in that moment to mean nothing to us. Indifference for someone is a scary thing but once we get to that place, the pain won’t matter anymore. It’s a matter of having the bravery and strength to know that letting go allows us to welcome in something special. If you don’t do the work, you might sabotage future potential relationships. The stars are aligned in your favor, but the universe can’t do the work for you. Your fate in love is all in your own hands this Astrological New Year. Don’t miss out on these meaningful connections for the wrong reasons.
Your Card: The Devil
Do you care about this person because you genuinely love them, or deep down, are you more focused on the idea of possessing them to prove something to yourself? There may be an ongoing toxic situation in your life currently that neither of you seems to be able to put a stop to. The partial lunar eclipse in Libra on March 25th may be less than favorable with you if the love dynamic you are a part of has toxic inclinations. You two may find yourselves fighting for control over the situation which has only led you down a road of push and pull. With The Devil card, you both seem to know each other well, including each other’s vulnerabilities. With that said you both know exactly how to hurt one another and play on each other’s insecurities. But this cold war will only grow negatively unless one of you two puts a stop to it.
For you in particular Gemini, you might be striving to possess them because you like the idea of showing them off and being able to brag about them to your friends and family. As if possessing them will somehow elevate you and make your insecurities disappear. But really, what you’re doing is reinforcing this subconscious idea that you don’t deserve love. This is not true. Of course, you deserve love and you both deserve to be in a healthier dynamic as well.
Just know, that every time you think it’s finally over, odds are, it’s not. This is a dynamic you may be revisiting at several different points throughout the Astrological Year until you both have beaten one another down enough for you both to finally tap out. But it doesn’t have to get to this point. The future is not set in stone.
Your Card: Nine of Wands
You will find yourself strengthening a bond that you already share with someone in particular. Especially come Cancer season when Venus transits through your sign. Whether you’re already paired up or are currently single, there is a great chance for a healthy connection that can weather the ups and downs of love productively. The Nine of Wands is a reminder to fight for the things that you love and care about. To nurture those relationships as this will further your emotional and mental connection to that person. This person will share your enthusiasm and passion for romance.
Always fight for your love. Even if you’ve been with someone for years, always fight for them as if it’s still the talking stage. Never grow comfortable or complacent because you’ll regret neglecting this connection. Never take them for granted. Show your appreciation every day. This year is very favorable for you Cancer in terms of love and romance. As long as you always do the work that needs to be done.
Your Card: Five of Swords
As I was shuffling my deck for your card, the Five of Wands flew out and fell onto the ground just as “Criminal” by Fiona Apple started to play. In it, she sings, “What I need is a good defense, ‘cause I’m feeling like a criminal. And I need to be redeemed to the one I’ve sinned against because he’s all I ever knew of love.” There are many ways to interpret this line. The song is about a woman who is knowingly manipulating men to get the adoration and attention she craves. But at what cost? When will the line be drawn? Do you find yourself justifying your actions towards this person because you’ve convinced yourself that they have it coming? Later on in the song, Fiona Apple sings, “So what would an angel say? The Devil wants to know.” In other words, do you put on a facade of innocence and sweetness only to conceal ulterior motives? There is a serious connection on the horizon for you, Leo. Perhaps you’ve taken on this facade in self-defense as a result of past transgressions against you. But the person we fear falling in love with becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Not always because that’s who they are, but at times the wrong connection can turn both participants into their own worst enemy. Remind yourself to not project this because it’ll be exactly the love you attract.
Your Card: Nine of Swords and Page of Swords
Two cards came out at the same time, I can only assume the universe felt it was important for you to receive both, Virgo. With the Nine of Swords and the Page of Wands it seems there have been some things said that you can’t seem to stop replaying in your mind. Whatever this person had said to you cut deep, for better or for worse. And with Mars in opposition to your Sun at the start of the Astrological New Year, it is evident that whatever they said has catalyzed some sort of identity crisis. As of right now, you might be in a place of isolation, contemplating your past decisions and actions. Perhaps whatever this person said, has resurfaced memories of relationships in your past and has given you a new outlook on them in terms of the part that you played in their demise.
This person chased you in the past but after hitting their breaking point, they have gone away. The tables have turned and you may find yourself chasing them hard because deep down you feel like their approval will alleviate this crisis you’re experiencing. It’s giving “Am I the problem?” Well… yes and no. It takes two to tango but you may have convinced yourself that it was more the other person’s fault. The truth hurts but you are not innocent here and you need to recognize this. You may find yourself completely reprioritizing your life and deciding what matters moving forward, what you must let go of, and how you will go about yourself and your self-growth. Come summer, you will experience a sorta rekindling of the past. A second chance, if you will. Or a third… or a fourth… depending on where things left off. You may find yourself subconsciously acting in a different way to prove to whoever this person is, they aren’t what they thought you were.
Your Card: Five of Pentacle
If you are currently in a relationship Libra, it might feel like life is getting in between the two of you and that there is very little you can do to change that right now. Perhaps you’re in a long-distance relationship without any sort’ve compromise in sight. Or perhaps you’re both just incredibly busy and are unable to make the time for one another. There is also a chance that you are both feeling some sort of mental and emotional disconnection from one another. If you’re single, you feel yourself longing for the idea of someone from your past. In any case, Libra, you might be experiencing this idea of feeling lonely in a crowded room. Where you’re not alone but you feel lonely. I assure you this is only temporary.
As the Astrological New Year progresses, you’ll just have to push through this moment. Don’t force the other person to come closer emotionally or physically. Keep doing the things you need to do.
Your Card: Ten of Cups
For you Scorpio, the Astrological New Year will begin on a lovely energetic, and upbeat note with Venus lighting up your sector of romance and pleasure. With that said, this will set you up for the rest of the year as you’ll be spending a lot of your time creating stability and structure in both your romantic interests as well as your personal life. This is also evident with the Ten of Cups tarot card which represents complete emotional satisfaction, harmony amongst loved ones, and peace within your home life. You are creating an environment for yourself where you feel emotionally safe and present.
Your Card: Two of Pentacles
With the Two of Pentacles, you may currently feel as if your biggest struggle is bringing balance to both your love life and work life. You’re wondering whether or not this period in your life will ever end? Where you feel as if you just can’t catch a break in any regard. If you’re single, the solar eclipse on April 8 will bring with it a profound impact on your life life. If you’re currently in a relationship, however, you will find your existing relationships deepening in intimacy. But regardless of wherever you find yourself romantically, Sagittarius, don’t force anything this year. Less is more for you. Focus on balance and bringing harmony in your life. Just go with the flow.
Your Card: Six of Swords
I think that there’s a lot that you’re figuring out for yourself that’s going to have a huge impact on your romantic relationships in the coming Astrological New Year. What I mean by this Capricorn is that you’re doing the work. This could mean you’re going to therapy to figure out internal struggles and how this might be affecting your relationships. Or maybe you’re focusing completely on your career as a way to improve your self-esteem and heal from the past. Regardless, you’re focusing on things that have nothing to do with love, however, by improving these other areas of your life and being, it will improve your love life for the better. It’s usually when we tell ourselves we’d much rather be alone that someone comes along and makes us think again. There is something so magnetic about someone completely committed to their own self-growth and personal advancement.
The beginning of the new year there is someone who will be very attracted to you, however, your attention is elsewhere. Things will progress slowly as you focus on building a solid and secure base for your future. Once you feel you have established this for yourself, you might be more willing to settle in a relationship that feels as grounded as your footing. By early September, Mars transits your 7th house of partnerships which could present a great opportunity for a long-lasting love if it feels right for the both of you. At the same time, you both may find that it’s not that there isn’t love and chemistry between you two, but rather the sad fact that your lives are just moving in different directions and this connection isn’t realistic in the long run.
Your Card: Four of Swords
You’re the undisputed Queen of putting admirers in the friend zone, Aquarius. You’re a hard sign to pin down for too long. But the thing about you Aquarius is that you tend to fall in love with those you first establish a solid friendship with. So while they may see it as a negative thing, in your eyes, this is a much more organic and romantic way to fall in love. With that said, however, the Four of Swords seems to suggest that maybe this time around it’s you who has unexpectedly fallen into the friend zone. You’re not used to this feeling, huh Aquarius? It’s like purgatory. You can see what you may have put others through from their perspective now. But don’t worry, this purgatory will not last for long. Come June, Venus will have something to say about the matter. This is a slow-burn romance that will take up much of the Astrological New Year, so enjoy it for what it is. Once you two finally get together, you’ll be thankful for the long love story that you two share. It’ll help you both appreciate one another and your journey even more.
Your Card: Temperance
You are on the verge of one of the most profound love stories you’ve ever experienced, Pisces. With Temperance here, I get the sense that whatever love life may transpire for you this year, it’ll certainly feel like you’re living in a movie. For better or for worse, Mars will pass through your 5th house of romance come September and this could bring with it a connection that is both incredibly emotionally fulfilling and draining at the same time. This dynamic may not be the healthiest situation for you, especially considering the speed at which you two will fall in love. You’ll both be amazed by the instant chemistry you both feel, and all the pieces will quickly fall into place in ways they never have before. But know that this ease may or may not last and you may experience a lot of emotional turmoil. Don’t allow resentment to grow between the two of you because it could mark the end of the relationship. Just be fully aware of what you may be getting yourself into and make sure your rose-tinted glasses aren’t too foggy.