cottonbro studio

Who Each Zodiac Needs To Avoid Wasting Time On This June


Don’t waste your time on people who take advantage of your high energy and expect you to do all the work in the friendship or relationship.


Don’t waste your time on people who take advantage of your loyalty and expect you to stick by their side, no matter how poorly they treat you.


Don’t waste your time on people who take advantage of your kindness and try to walk all over you and order you around, expecting you to do as they say.


Don’t waste your time on people who take advantage of your nurturing nature and expect you to do everything for them so they don’t have to lift a finger and contribute.


Don’t waste your time on people who take advantage of your generosity by taking and taking from you without giving you anything in return.


Don’t waste your time on people who take advantage of your problem solving skills and expect you to cave in arguments and come up with compromises and ways to ‘fix’ the relationship.


Don’t waste your time on people who take advantage of your forgiving nature and keep hurting you again and again in the same ways, expecting you to give them more chances each time.


Don’t waste your time on people who take advantage of your strength by expecting you to tackle problems on your own without any help or comfort from them.


Don’t waste your time on people who take advantage of your optimism and expect you to be the happy one who entertains them and cheers them up all the time while they only bring you down.


Don’t waste your time on people who take advantage of your competence by expecting you to do all the work since you’re faster, smarter, and more efficient than they are. 


Don’t waste your time on people who take advantage of your busy schedule and sneak around behind your back while you’re distracted with other things.


Don’t waste your time on people who take advantage of your vulnerability and use your big heart against you by guilt tripping you and manipulating you.